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Walking on a Dream
Citation:   Adam G.. "Walking on a Dream: An Experience with MDA (exp97961)". Feb 28, 2017.

1 capsl oral MDA (powder / crystals)
  1 cig. smoked Cannabis  
BODY WEIGHT: 56.6 kg
I was a rave in the city a few weekends ago and bought two caps of what I thought was MDMA from a reliable source. It's a tan/brown color and it had .1 of medium sized chunky crystals and one bigger crystal. It kind of stuck to the capsule up the sides. It was a trusted dealer so I went ahead and popped one. Gentle, calm come up, really intense, intimate, long lasting peak, a tingling sensation over my whole body, lots of energy, pure euphoria, mild visual effects. It just felt like I had really pure MDMA.

Last weekend, I saw my good friend who is friends with the girl I bought the caps from, and she informed me that it was sass, MDA, and not MDMA. It made so much sense after she told me looking back on the experience, it really did feel like MDA. I was rolling/tripping whatever you wanna call the MDA high so hard that I felt like I was dreaming and I couldn't wipe this dumb smile off my face. And then I danced for like 4 hours. It was a magical evening, and I still have a cap.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97961
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 28, 2017Views: 1,663
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MDA (34) : General (1), Rave / Dance Event (18)

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