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Giant Blue Orb of Destruction
Salvia divinorum (40x extract)
Citation:   Ghost King. "Giant Blue Orb of Destruction: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (40x extract) (exp97464)". Erowid.org. Dec 2, 2022. erowid.org/exp/97464

1 hit smoked Salvia divinorum (extract)
I loaded the rather large bowl up completely and burned it all, one rip. Not held in long but when I blew it out it filled the room with a dense white cloud. Immediately after there was a pleasant euphoria, this was the last bit I would remember for days.

Once I entered the trance, which I must have been in for a few minutes very deeply, I suddenly awoke to a different world. It was like Dragonball Z, where the entire Earth is a small orb. There was a large reptilian blue orb, which after I saw it, I quickly became attached to it. My older friend, who had been a bit of an idol, seemed to take the place of the reptilian head which was emerging from the orb commanding it's situation with me, something I later concluded, for during the trip this just seemed to be a highly destructive being. The most frightening part was I had no recollection of how I got here, and the massive feeling of being as large as the entire Earth was so overwhelming.

The being on the orb seemed ready for me, and introduced himself violently in a song I'll never forget, 'We are the thigh slappers!! You've come to have your thighs Slapped!!! We are the thigh Slappers!! You've come to have your thigh's slapped.' Ouch, this was my main artery's heartbeat running down my leg. I much much later concluded. This continued for awhile, his chanting, my infinite dismay. I seemed to be being ripped to shreds by the scales, my mind was in a massive panic at the feelings this reptile-like skin produced. It was, I carefully put, hellish.

Eventually, I was at the bottom of a giant shoe which seemed to come down from above and smash me, now a piece of gum, onto the small Earth, continuously. There were exchanges of reality as these powerful, mighty spirits dealt with me. I suddenly was halfway back into the room where I had taken the hit, transported through a small grey dot that seemed like a gas cap. I was trying to understand this, trying to gather where I had gone, like it was the most important thing in my new, hellish life.

Now I was in the second stage of waves of powerful energy. A long neck dinosaur was emitting radioactive cereal. This I didn't enjoy. Crumbling, like I was carpet being shredded, and all that. My friends began to get very worried about me, for I had been solidly tripping for 20 minutes in deep trance states, and they later told me they wondered if I was ever going to be ok. I came down some more, here I remembered I had taken Salvia... Whaaaa??? Why???? How??? 'this was too much, too too much.

My friends faces were omitting very painful waves of energy, I think I was trying to say, stop!! I said, 'I think it's almost done' Cartoon faces, they were happy about this, bless their hearts. Then, the mother of the household entered, an old hippy who happened to be my boss at a restaurant as well. 'Oh no...' She said, which I remember quite clearly, 'He looks F*cked up...' Why thanks. Right when I thought it was over, she was a giraffe-like alien, and I was back into a trance. Now cash registers were spewing waves of energy, more shredding.
She said, which I remember quite clearly, 'He looks F*cked up...' Why thanks. Right when I thought it was over, she was a giraffe-like alien, and I was back into a trance. Now cash registers were spewing waves of energy, more shredding.

Eventually I gave up on the situation, I gave up. I was like a white ledge of a countertop somewhere far off, the memory is, rather solemn. I just stayed there, it wasn't great, but it was now what I had become. That was a moment I remember, for it felt as though the entire world had empathy for me, and that helped me stay still. Something awoke me, I was back to my cartoon friends. More crumbling, more pain, will this ever end?

I looked down at my pants, oh my goodness, my pants!! My cool, cool, blue jeans!!!! Yesss!!! Here I was!!!!! They took me away, I left my body, I was flying about the room like a happy child, exploring the bed where my friends were sitting. Wow!! Salvia is amazing!!! None of the rest of trip was remembered at this point, this was the trip!!! Wow, I like this stuff, etc. My travel, was met by the mexican designed carpet on the wall, a hideous piece of art. For I left my body again, or let me try to put it, I left the body I had already left, I left the happy flying child into some sort of realm produced by this piece of art! Beautiful, beautiful. I was in space, I was three orbs floating, a triangle connected by lines. I felt so free, I was thinking, I love Salvia, for all I knew I hit the pipe and here I was tripping happily in space.

Again I woke to the room, and again there was this small grey gas cap dot I was so interested in deciphering. My curiosity must have been foolish. Yes, yes it was, for the wavelengths from my friend's faces began again, wow that hurt. 'ok, I really think it's about done guys' I got up, like hey, I couldv'e just stood up this entire time!! Whoa, genius. 'Whoa Whoa Sit down', the idol friend said. Fine, I did, he seemed serious, but I was familiar with his bossiness. I rested a bit here, and then when I had finally reached normality, they were inquiring about my trip. 'Just let me out of this room' I demanded, with a sort of seriousness that frightened them all. 'Let me sit by the fire!' Wow, that idea, was like heaven, I went there, and just looked at it for awhile, everyone thought I was a freak. There was the thought in the air, between all 7 people in the household, I was messed up for good. I just kept looking in the flames, wow they were gorgeous.

Overall, I believe Salvia to be something very important in this world. This planet. Just how hard was I tripping? Hard. For days maybe a full week, all I could recall was the wavelengths my friends produced, the triangle, and the giraffe alien and her cash registers. 'It was painful, but there were parts I liked' was my explanation for days, it was all my friends knew, all I knew.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 97464
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 16
Published: Dec 2, 2022Views: 711
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