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Smoked KAVA 'self made' Extract
Kava Kava
Citation:   Specter. "Smoked KAVA 'self made' Extract: An Experience with Kava Kava (exp9732)". Oct 3, 2001.

  smoked Kava (extract)
I made my own KAVA extract the fallowing way.

1/2 cup Kava was placed in the blender and was choped on hi speed for about 5 mins.

Powder was plased into a canning jar with enough acetone to cover all the powder and a spoon was used to mix the stuff around for about 5 mins.

The liquid was then strained through a coffie filter and the root matter was placed back in the jar and the process was repeted.

The acetone was evaporated off and I was left with a resin that when I scraped into a ball looked and felt like carmel 'the square candy kind' '-=CAUTION=- MAKE SURE ALL THE ACETONE IS EVAPORATED'

I then took a small chunck and smoked it in my favorite pipe. It tasted very much like I would think burnt rubber would taste and the smoke was a little harsh but surprising easy to hold in.

I felt the effects pretty quick first my mouth to my lungs got a numb feeling but not realy numb. Then my brain felt it 'its hard to describe its is a buzz I have never felt' I can think fine and altho I can seem to move fine as well I think I would feel fine just sitting and not moving at all 'I am still feeling the effects and I smoked it about 45 mins ago '.

I have no clue how long this feeling will last but I can say one thing for sure this is NOT A PLACEBO effect. It is very strong feeling and my mouth is still numb. if this dose is an indication it seems to have made 1/2 cup of root powder 'enough for 2 people in most cases' into enough for me and about 20 friends to enjoy. Now thats what I call getting my moneys worth.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9732
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 3, 2001Views: 25,971
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Kava (30) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Alone (16)

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