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I'm Sure It Was Laced
Citation:   Head Kase. "I'm Sure It Was Laced: An Experience with Cannabis (exp97250)". Jul 22, 2020.

2 g smoked Cannabis
[Erowid Note: Some authors report suspicions that their cannabis has been 'laced' (adulterated), in some cases, presumably with PCP. While this is possible, readers should be aware that idiosyncratic response to the effects of cannabis (usually higher doses) can lead some users to presume their cannabis has been 'laced'. There is no way to know if the cannabis in the report below was adulterated or not. Reports of plant material and cannabis laced with powerful synthetic cannabinoids and other psychoactive substances became more common starting in 2007.]
I consider myself relatively experienced with drugs, having experimented with: Ketamine, Methoxetamine, MDMA, Speed, Psilocybin (shrooms), 2-CB, Cocaine and, of course, Cannabis, which I smoke on a fairly regular basis. I always carry out extensive research before I try a drug, and ensure that I always try a drug for the first time in a safe location with a few friends who I trust completely and who have tried the drug before. In this way I have managed to avoid any negative experiences (except for MXE, which completely caught me off guard and overwhelmed me).

Anyway, a few months ago I decided to go completely clean from drugs for a while as I’d been overdoing it slightly, especially with MDMA and Speed. It wasn’t particularly hard for me to stop, and I felt I’d done pretty well, so last night as a reward me and a few friends (who are highly experienced drug users, more so than me) decided to walk from the village we live in to a nearby town and get a gram of coke, stopping at another dealer's on the way to get some bags of green. We started walking at about 1am, and reached the first dealers at about 2am. We each wanted an eighth, and the dealer told us the weed was “Amnesia Lemon Haze”. We had never heard of this particular strain (if it even exists) but the weed looked and smelled great, and we all trusted this dealer, so we bought it. We found a cycle track and sat down on a bench to blaze up. By this point it was about 2.30am, and I was in a fiending mood, looking forward to the coke. We each rolled a fat joint, smoked it, and rolled another. I was feeling pretty high halfway through the second joint, and by the time I had finished it I knew something was different.

My friends were all remarking how good the green was, and they all looked completely mashed, which surprised me as they all smoke everyday and would normally not look anywhere near this stoned from two joints. I was expecting to be more fucked than them due to my time off, but I was definitely not expecting what came next. I started seeing faces in everything, which is something I always get on MDMA, so I closed my eyes and instantly got CEV’s rivalling the intensity of the CEV’s I get on MDMA or shrooms.
I closed my eyes and instantly got CEV’s rivalling the intensity of the CEV’s I get on MDMA or shrooms.
After enjoying them for a while I opened my eyes and began to see semi-transparent spinning circles of colour on the ground, kind of like the Apple spinning wheel of death. As I focused on them the gravel track we were standing on changed into a carpet. I can still picture it vividly: deep blue with gold, regal patterns that swirled and morphed. I tried to lie down on the carpet but my friend grabbed me and sat me back on the bench. Everyone was laughing and I joined in. I felt great, but at the same time was wondering what the hell was in my weed. We started walking again, and on the walk my hallucinations began to die down and were replaced by intense cold rushes through my arms and legs.

We got to the town at about 3.30am, and smoked another joint each. Without warning every single one of us was propelled onto another level. I had been the only one tripping hard at the bench, but now everyone was hallucinating. We stumbled around the town, which was completely dead at this time, telling each other about what we were seeing. At one point I sat down in the middle of the road and stared at the tarmac. This was when I experienced perhaps my most enjoyable and vivid visuals of the night. The tarmac began to shimmer and breathe slightly, then fragmented and broke apart until it looked like a mosaic. For some reason I thought I was back in a Spanish town that I went on holiday to last year, and began insisting to all my friends that we had to go to this bar that I knew was nearby, because the Spanish beer there was fantastic. One of my friends asked me what I was talking about, which brought me out of believing I was in another country, but my hallucinations were still wild. Not quite as strong as 2-CB but rivalling, if not more intense, than shrooms. We all decided that we had to be on something other than weed, but as we had no idea of what this something was we decided not to risk adding coke to the mix, and after smoking the rest of our weed we finally walked home at about 5am. When I finally got into bed I was still experiencing CEV’s and couldn’t sleep for about an hour.

I am honestly puzzled. My initial thought was that perhaps the green had been laced with Salvia, but the effects lasted for hours, and I was under the impression that Salvia only lasted about 10-20 minutes.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 97250
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jul 22, 2020Views: 1,064
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Cannabis (1) : What Was in That? (26), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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