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A Warning - Don't Be Stupid
Citation:   keithp318. "A Warning - Don't Be Stupid: An Experience with Methoxetamine (exp96845)". Aug 16, 2012.

300 mg   Methoxetamine
I recently received another gram of MXE and did WAY too much within a small amount of time. My mother came into my room and found me laying in bed, barely conscious, sweating profusely. I can't remember anything between taking it and going to get a shower and coming to in the ER getting my second shot of ativan. Apparently my heart rate was at 180 (possibly higher, don't know for sure) at one point.

I ended up having to get 3 or 4 shots of ativan in during my 8 hours at the hospital, of which I was awake for 3 or 4. I'm fine now, but my short-term memory is a little weird (I'll walk down the hall and grab something and as I'm walking back I won't remember walking there to begin with)

I guess this was just to say DON'T BE STUPID WITH YOUR DRUGS!

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 96845
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 16, 2012Views: 10,716
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Methoxetamine (527) : Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Hospital (36)

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