Stimulating but Also Relaxing
Green Tea (Sencha)
Citation:   Green Tea Drinker. "Stimulating but Also Relaxing: An Experience with Green Tea (Sencha) (exp95923)". Mar 31, 2018.

2 cups oral Tea
On numerous occasions (almost daily) I have drank green tea loose leaf, and I find it's quite pleasant. Although green tea does contain caffeine, I've found that green tea does not interfere with sleep when drinking at night, and it tends to relax the mind more often than not.

I recall the first time I had green tea, I felt slightly euphoric. I was trying to sleep at the time and the feeling was calm and it made me giggle a bit. When I drink a few cups of tea, I say it makes one feel 'cleaner'. It has a freshness to it, and it tends to help me focus. I think for me it brings a subtle clarity of thought, and clean-ness of body.

When I drink too much, it can lead to a small amount of jittery-ness, and some quicker thoughts, but otherwise I find it contains less negative effects than coffee has.

I find it helps my endurance and cardiovascular strength quite a bit. Having drank it before early gym classes, I've found it can really help to bring about some great energy.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 95923
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 31, 2018Views: 1,918
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Tea (447) : Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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