Balanced Energized and Now Worried
Citation:   Triple R. "Balanced Energized and Now Worried: An Experience with Kratom (exp95699)". Dec 21, 2020.

12 capsls oral Kratom (daily)
Started out trying to find a new legal herb to knock the edge off of life. Tried a few things that were all legal. Then came across kratom and researched it. Lots of great stories of people using it for withdraw from the dragon. I've never used heroin before and can only imagine how impressive the high must be. And for that reason will never try it.

So, I ordered a small pack of kratom caps. Took two and nothing. Read up on doses, what a capsule can hold, and adjusted. It felt like the spine waves at the start of dose of esctasy. I felt great and couldn't believe that it was legal to boot. Ordered some more caps. Started playing with how high I could get and found what my stomach could handle. I found that taking more and more trying to bump my high will make me feel sick as a dog. Purging has no effect on this.

After a few weeks of playing around with this magical leaf my wife and I started to notice relief from my bipolar symptoms. It leveled me out, killed pain from my injuries, gave me crazy energy, and has a opiate glow. I started researching for any know bad side effect....none short of slight habit forming. So, I figured out a strict dose regiment and set to it. It's been three years in my life, everyday part of my day. I do feel nervous if I get close to running out. Addiction most certainly has me but I can't find a down side. Well, except the money, but that would go to worthless pharmashit- side effect hell otherwise.

What starting to scare me is more and more mention of kratom in the news as the next new bad street drug. I don't think so, as the high is nowhere near as powerful as the big boys.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 95699
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Dec 21, 2020Views: 854
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Kratom (203) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Addiction & Habituation (10), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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