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Preparing Dried Herb
Wild Lettuce
Citation:   StpAld52. "Preparing Dried Herb: An Experience with Wild Lettuce (exp94780)". Jun 16, 2020.

0.5 g smoked Lactuca spp. (extract)
I've been using wild lettuce for roughly 2 years. Firstly, the pure wild lettuce leaf alone is not enough to get a sufficent dose. There are 2 effective ways that I have found to extract Wild Lettuce resin.

The original preperation used consisted of emptying the sap from the plant, and drying it out. This is probably ideal with fresh plant material. However, I'm working with dry herbs only.

The first extraction is probably the fastest. I used; Dried wild lettuce herb, Water, Stove, tea bags/coffee filter/ t-shirt (For filter.)

Step 1: Put 100gr dried Wild Lettuce herb into a pot of water.

Step 2: Once darkened, removed the herb material.

Step 3: Boiled the water, until it all has dissipated.

Step 4: If making a 10x extract, I apply 10 gr of dried herb. Otherwise, I skip this step. (Applying dried herb will make the resin burn easier.)

Step 5: I scrape the resin off the pot, and put it on a tray in front of a fan, to dry overnight.

*Finished*. I can smoke the finished product at this point, but it may take a few hits to completely dry it out.

The second type of extraction I've used seems to increase potency and last longer for some undefined reason. I use; Dried wild lettuce herb, Water, Everclear, Resealable glass jar and, a t-shirt (For filter.)

Extraction #2:

Step 1: Put dried herb material into jar.

Step 2: Apply Everclear. (saturating the herbs and adding an extra 1/2 inch- 1 inch of Everclear.)

Step 3: Shake well for 5 to 15 mins.

Step 4: Filter through a T-shirt and put the liquid on a glass tray to dry.

Step 5: Put the extracted herbs back in the jar, apply water. (I saturate the herbs and add an extra 1/2 inch- 1 inch of water.)

Step 6: Shake well for 5 to 15 mins.

Step 7: Filter through a T-shirt and put the liquid on a glass tray in front of a fan to dry. If added to the first glass tray with the Everclear, I can expect faster drying. Otherwise it may take about 2 days.

The effects I expect from Wild Lettuce are; Apathy, Euphoria, Laziness, and mild visual effects. This lasts 15-45 mins, depending on dose and extraction method used. (It is indicated elsewhere to use rubbing alcohol, I DO NOT do this! As it may just make poison.)

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 94780
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jun 16, 2020Views: 1,831
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Lactuca spp. (153) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Preparation / Recipes (30), Unknown Context (20)

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