You Take It Don't Let It Take You
Citation:   PEACEFROGDAVE. "You Take It Don't Let It Take You: An Experience with LSD (exp9068)". May 3, 2004.

I have dropped acid many times for many years beggining with four way window payne in the early 70s. I was 12 the first time I was real scared and felt the anxiety but after being with friends one of wich told me something that will always stay in my mind 'YOU TAKE IT DON'T LET IT TAKE YOU' I found this to be very true and after thinking about it and applying that philosophy have at times even been pulled over by the police while very high and applied that thought and what I thought was a for sure bust they didnt even notice I was high!

now I am not saying that you should go out and take it because I believe that is a personal prefference and I believe that only some people that have a strong enough mind can actualy handle it and others who are less strong minded should not take it. when I am high I have been able to think myself straight with enough thought about it wich I think is a bummer and a waste of good acid but to me it is possible to do that.

one last thing L.S.D was the best aphrodisiac I have ever had. I had sex that lasted for at least 2 hours once even after orgasm I was still hard n' ready to go wow what a night that was!

well I hope I am not creating a problem for someone who can't handle mind altering substances but just had to add my thoughts and experiances to this forum,PEACEFROGDAVE...............

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 9068
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2004Views: 3,948
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LSD (2) : Personal Preparation (45), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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