IV - Pleasantly Bright
Citation:   Mr FooFoo. "IV - Pleasantly Bright: An Experience with 4-Methylmethcathinone (exp88975)". Erowid.org. Jun 19, 2019. erowid.org/exp/88975

  IV 4-Methylmethcathinone (liquid)
  8 mg   Codeine  
Substance - Mephedrone (possibly a substitute, not certain of chemical formula; here it's sold as a bath salt, still legally).

Mode of use - Intravenous.

Amount used per dose - Approx. 5 cubic mm (uncertain of weight)

Redosing - Approx every 45 min, but as long as 4 hours.

Additional chemicals - 8mg codeine, oral.

Effects - Mephedrone used intravenously gives a very powerful, but short lived 'kick' (like cold fire) in the throat / top of the spine. This is the main reason for redosing, as the effects last for several hours. Redosing too much will negate this initial effect, prolong the overall effect and possibly induce a paranoid state that's very difficult to escape from.
Overall, this particular format of cathione provides 3 main effects:

1) A mixture of mutism / extreme talkativity. The mutism comes from the fact that the initial hit can be so overwhelming that I'm left unable to string two words together (with the letters in the correct order). This state is normally very short lived (~5 min). The talkativity lasts for several hours, and has some similarity to pure amphetamies (speed and desire to be heard) combined with LSD (inability to lie). It's a very pleasant state, but can become frustrating if other people are also in the same state. I like to try to be patient by allowing my thoughts to drift while others talk

2) An extremely long-lived (~6 hours) body high. Very enjoyable (although cathiones are NOT an aphrodisiac; indeed I would probably find it impossible to undertake any type of sexual activity) and constant, the downside is that the comedown is usually very sudden and harsh (much more so than, for example, Cocaine). Generally does not induce shaking/teeth grinding or other negative symptoms unless I dose way too much. A particularly interesting effect is that my sense of taste is severely reduced (e.g. cigarettes have no harsh taste, orange juice tastes like water); this is not unpleasant - as a smoker it is a very interesting experience to smoke without any taste.

3) A weak psychoactive effect (possibly related to long-term LSD usage). No hallucinations, but vision is definitely affected. Can be scary the first time, but the effect wanes after ~20 minutes. Pleasant if one enjoy open-eye soft visuals. Reading may be hard/impossible for the duration of the effect.

The addition of the codeine strengthens and prolongs the initial 'kick' and visual effect. Not unpleasant, but not recommended for first timers. Codeine's (i.e. morphine's) effect on visual input (bright lights/colours seem more 'real') is greatly enhanced. It's effect on pain (torn MCL) is not affected. The codeine also seems to make the comedown easier and significantly reduces the desire to redose.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88975
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jun 19, 2019Views: 1,608
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