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Useful Study Aid
MDPV ('Blue Silk')
Citation:   TheStudent. "Useful Study Aid: An Experience with MDPV ('Blue Silk') (exp88541)". Erowid.org. Feb 24, 2017. erowid.org/exp/88541

T+ 0:00
2 lines insufflated MDPV (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:00   oral Yerba Mate (tea)
  T+ 1:30 1 bump insufflated MDPV (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:30   buccal Tobacco (plant material)
  T+ 5:00   oral Alcohol - Hard  
[Erowid Note: Cannabis substitute "spice" type smoking blends, "Bath salts", "plant food", "incense", "tea" and similar products generally do not accurately list psychoactive ingredients or dosage on their packaging. Analysis has revealed that ingredients in a single product of this type may vary over time. The component chemical(s) may be different than what is assumed for this report.]
I purchased a 200 mg packet of Blue Silk bath salts through an online vendor for about 30 dollars. From my research I determined that Blue silk is about 40-50 percent pure. Upon receiving I moved the off-white substance into a small vial as this worked much better for removing small amounts. I shake out a small mound about 2/3s the size of my little fingernail. I use an exacto knife to make sure it's nicely broken up, then after dividing into two lines I snort them, one bump in each nostril.

T + 0.10 I decide to take a shower and by the time I'm done I my thoughts are already moving fast and I'm planning what I'm going to do in the next few hours.

T + 0.18 I have read the crash from this stuff is really nasty so I make some yerba mate tea in hope that the antioxidants and caffeine ease the crash. This substance is definitely similar to coke and Ritalin. My thoughts move quickly and I know everything going on around me. I would not say that it is very similar to amphetamine. While it does share the same classic stimulant characteristics with amphetamine, it does not provide the same warm, happy, intense euphoria of amphetamine. I do feel quite a pleasurable euphoria that is much more similar to ritalin.

T + 0.30 I have been working on homework very solidly, and have been fantastically productive. I really like this as a study aid. My thoughts flow very well. I have noticed that stimulant caused vasoconstriction, has caused my fingers and toes to feel slightly cold. It is slightly difficult to keep myself on homework because the reports of increased sexual arousal is very true so the temptation to flip on the porn is very present.

T + 1:20 Finish off a chapter of work and notice I'm not as up there as before. I've read about the redosing impulse this drug can cause.

T + 1:30 My friend and I have another bump about half the size of my original one. I feel this one right away and it returns me to my original state.

T + 2:00 I have been very productive, and take a break to watch some porn. It is much more fascinating than normal and very enjoyable.

T + 2:30 I am about to start homework again and I once again feel that 'not quite as up there' feeling. I put a fat lip of chew in and the nicotine does a great job of countering this.

T + 3:00 The comedown has definitely started. It really is not as bad as I expected, and I'm guess this is because I kept the dose low and only let myself redose once. I don't think this comedown is as bad as ritalin. I experienced ritalin at its worst when I bought a full 60 pill prescription of 20mg ritalin and started with snorting 2 in the morning and had gone through 36 by the end of the day. I like MDPV because even though I am coming down I can still work productively as long as I pause for a moment to push discomfort out of my mind.

T + 5:00 My back is extremely tensed, but I have successfully worked on schoolwork for the last two hours. I am definitely uncomfortable, but nothing too bad. I've done enough homework for the day so I go upstairs and after a couple shots of Belvedere I seek out my buddy and we do a couple more.

I had maybe another two drinks over the night and I felt totally normal around T + 6:30.

When I woke in the morning I felt completely normal. Maybe a little sleepy. I think MDPV can be used very effectively as a study aid, but it is really important to stick to low doses. I've read a lot of horror stories on blogs about what too much of this stuff will do to you.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88541
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Feb 24, 2017Views: 1,723
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MDPV (377) : Various (28), Performance Enhancement (50), General (1)

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