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Blue Silk. Mild.
MDPV ('Blue Silk')
Citation:   trinsic. "Blue Silk. Mild.: An Experience with MDPV ('Blue Silk') (exp88178)". Nov 10, 2010.

10 mg insufflated MDPV (powder / crystals)
I had heard about a product from a friend called Blue Silk, an 'herbal bath salt' labeled as not for human consumption, and containing a stimulant called MDPV. He told me that the effects are comparable to a mild methamphetamine high. Being an adventurous and experienced psychonaut and connoisseur of various mind-altering substances (in addition to my career as a biochemist), naturally this unheard of substance piqued my interest. I soon found myself at the local 'DVD shop,' making a purchase of one 500mg packet of this Blue Spice. The clerk informed me that the product was simply 'flying off the shelves' and that he would have to begin limiting daily purchases per customer. This immediately convinced me that this product is most likely addictive.

Upon arrival at home, I opened the packet. The powder was an off-white color, with a few specks of brown. I had assumed the product would be a pure hydrochloride salt - but this observation led me to believe otherwise. After testing, it appears that the sample I had was only of 40% (approx.) purity. After reduction and removal of adulterants, I was left with about 200mg of pure MDPV. (note: others have observed that MDPV rapidly degrades in solution - the sample I had may have been of significantly higher quality before reduction)

Finally, I was ready to try out this legal stimulant. I weighed out a dose of 10mg, ate a sandwich to help prevent stimulant induced nausea, and insufflated it.

10:30AM +0:00, 10mg
It was practically tasteless, and the drip can only be described as 'dry.' The burn was so mild and passed so quickly I'm not sure if I imagined it or not. It wasn't nearly as unpleasant as cocaine, adderall, ritalin, or crystal meth in regards to insufflation.

10:35AM +0:05
I can already feel some mild effects. My sinuses are completely clear, and it feels as if my bronchi are dilated. I am breathing more deeply than normal. This is typical for many moderate to strong stimulants.

11:00AM +0:15
No other notable effects, yet.

11:10AM +0:25
Beginning to feel mildly euphoric, alert, and attentive.

11:30AM +1:00
Euphoria is gone. Alertness and hyperactivity remain.

12:00AM +1:30
At this point, I'm grinding my teeth and flexing the muscles in my jaw. This is the only remaining effect.

2:00 +3:30
I feel exactly like I did before taking any of the chemical.

All in all, I'd say MDPV is a fairly mild stimulant if taken in small doses, with dubious recreational value (at least in comparison to other drugs). I'm not interested in taking it again - the most notable effect was tension.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 88178
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Nov 10, 2010Views: 14,271
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MDPV (377) : General (1), Alone (16)

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