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Probably Overkill
Citation:   Shamanistic. "Probably Overkill: An Experience with Harmaline (exp8771)". May 3, 2004.

250 mg oral Harmaline (powder / crystals)
  250 mg oral Harmaline (powder / crystals)
  250 mg insufflated Harmaline (powder / crystals)
First time trying Harmaline after much research. I obtained the pure chemical after reading many reports of nausea with Syrian Rue and its extractions. The chemical is available off the net with some research. I took 2 pills of roughly 250 mg within 2 hours, plus I snorted some aditional 250 mg. This was probably overkill. I believe the substance would be effective in the 300 to 500 mg range but I am not a small guy.

I found the substance to have a very heavy body load and reminded me of being seriously drunk. I could not stand up and would not recommend going out on a large dose of harmaline. The substance is definately psychotropic and was similar to shrooms and acid, although it physically made me want to only sit as I became extremely dizzy upon standing. The effects were major tracers like on acid, spirit communication, revelation of the atomic nature of life, etc. I noticed the presence of a South American Goddess in the chemical which I believe relates to Yage and the long tradition there. This drug would be heavy duty with a light amount of shrooms. I would avoid alcohol in any form as the body load is similar to being drunk. However, I did do a larger dose. Want to try a smaller amount with some Amanita Muscaria. Overall, this was a spritual experience and the drug does make me look inward. Enjoy!!

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 8771
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 3, 2004Views: 20,933
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