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Familiar Faces With No Names
Citation:   J-Pow. "Familiar Faces With No Names: An Experience with Ketamine (exp86923)". Feb 17, 2018.

Deep Within the K Hole

This will be interesting to try and get written down properly, as I even have trouble describing it by voice, the experience was so intense.

No backstory or lead-up supplied, starting straight from the beginning of the trip.

Standard K high, but I wanted to keep it going through the night and into the next day. I lost consciousness (or so i hear) while watching TV. it was really gradual, so nobody suspected anything until someone noticed my eyes were still open.

The experience I had was unlike anything I've ever even heard of. I didn't go 'out of body'... my entire reality shattered and changed in an instant. My sense of time, space, and everything was molded to fit what I perceived to be a new reality. I was but a consciousness being pushed around in every direction (3D space - up down left right forward backward), being directed by pressure waves moving in those directions. I had no physical body in my new world, there were no other inhabitants... just my mind flying forever but going nowhere.

I was out for about 2 hours, but time had no meaning to me on my way in or out of it. I remember getting attacked by the real world - fading in to see people asking me if i'm alright, or if i know where i am (to which i didn't respond -- I'm not sure if I was able to, but in my mind, the question was ridiculous. of course i know who and where i am... even though i didn't) and immediately fading back out to my reality.

Regaining full consciousness was the strangest part. Two friends of mine were sitting next to me, their faces were familiar, yet I didn't know why - they were just familiar faces with no names. Again, the question 'do you know where you are?' is asked, but this time I'm not as certain. I'm awake, but the amount of time I just spent in this alternate reality, combined with the familiar yet unknown people around me made me start to question my reality very seriously. Getting up to walk after everything is starting to come back into perspective was a chore, feeling all bambi-legged and weak.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 86923
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 17, 2018Views: 1,049
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Unknown Context (20)

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