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A Night To Remember
Amanitas - A. muscaria
Citation:   Botany101. "A Night To Remember: An Experience with Amanitas - A. muscaria (exp83548)". May 24, 2021.

16 g oral Amanitas - A. muscaria (dried)
I had used Amanita mushrooms before; however nothing prepared me for the dosage I was going to take, having only consumed probably one or two small mushrooms as a sitting previously, and having only felt slight effects such as a general numbness.

All of the material (Grade A caps from Washington state) was ground into fine powder, added to approximately 16 ounces of applesauce, and ingested. Somehow, applesauce has emerged as my favorite sauce for entheogens of poor taste- whether it be mushrooms or ground up seeds.

In about an hour and a half the first effects began to be noticeable: Slight mental confusion and a general numbing of all five senses began to spread slowly in intensity, until about an hour later when I found myself unable to type any longer and had to lay down, at which time my ears began to hear strange sounds like metallic guitar strings being played.

A feeling of floating began shortly after this point- lasting until I would fall asleep about three hours later. At the peak of experience somewhere around three and a half to four hours in, I was literally out of my mind with an alternation between complete euphoria and out-of-my-mind confusion, during which I could not consciously do anything but my mind simply ran on its own and I was not able to control my thoughts even slightly. I had strange visions of kaleidoscopic imagery and of random scenes including maps, landscapes, and people, all of which ran together and flashed like a bizarre slideshow. Time seemed not to move at all because of the speed of my mind increasing so much.

As the trip began to come down slightly, time stood still, until I found myself visualizing a sea of colored squares turning over slowly, and understood this to be the mechanism by which time works; however they slowed down and down until they stopped and became one solid white sheet and my body literally stopped existing for a short period of time. I fell asleep maybe four and a half to five hours into the trip and spent the night sleeping deeply and having wonderful lucid dreams of crystalline chasms and flying people.

To make a long story short- this was a completely mind blowing experience I intend to have again soon. My eyes were totally opened to truth and I have a new respect for this mushroom.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83548
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: May 24, 2021Views: 751
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Amanitas - A. muscaria (70) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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