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All About E
MDMA (Ecstasy)
Citation:   Kevin. "All About E: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy) (exp83425)". Feb 14, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 cup oral Alcohol  
  T+ 0:00 1 tablet oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:00 100 mg oral Pharms - Sildenafil (pill / tablet)
  T+ 3:00 0.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:00 0.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
I have recently been experimenting with Ecstasy. I have a bachelors degree in a life science with a strong pre-med component. It was a while ago but I have maintained an interest in the topic and substance. I have attempted to document the experience and here are some observations.

So far I have taken the substance four times. The pills are blue and reputedly very pure 90% MDMA 10% Caffeine. I believe the dosage is 100mg per …but they have been from the same batch so I have at least that consistency in data. They are about half the size and twice the thickness of an aspirin. They taste bitter when swallowed. In each case I was taking the substance with my female partner as an experiment in the emotional impact of E. In each case we had eaten lightly before ingesting and had drunk the equivalent of about a cup of alcohol over the hour or so before taking E. In each we had taken the precaution of fully hydrating for the day before exposure.

The setting was one of safety and privacy, having experienced the product I could not conceive of taking E in a loud club scene…I know I getting old but that would be a horrible waste of an experience.

The onset in each case took about 45 minutes. We lay relaxed chatting and kissing, I should note that my partner is a senior nurse in a teaching hospital and was also very analytical of the impact…our experiences were very similar. Coming on in our case was a slow gentle build to a light very pleasant ‘drunk’ sensation. We experienced acute sensitivity to light and sharpening of visual perceptions but no obvious hallucinatory impact. Our pupils were fixed and dilated after about an hour of ingestion. The key impacts are clearly linked to the emotional and sexual drivers. We are already deeply attached so ours is perhaps a slanted study, but the drug has a remarkable intensifying impact on the emotions especially those of affection and bonding. The accounts I have read speak to an ‘inner eating’ a feeling that you are literally consuming your partner from the inside…we certainly experienced that. There was a strong, indeed continuous desire to kiss the object of affection…a sensation which is both very deep and very pleasurable. There is a strong desire to hold and cuddle, skin touch is greatly heightened…even gently blowing is an intense and pleasurable experience. The high was very gentle and less fierce than for example a four martini evening.
The high was very gentle and less fierce than for example a four martini evening.
I would not consider driving on E under any circumstances. In addition there was enhanced appreciation and sensitivity to sound. Standing naked in front of a loud sound system gently stroking my partner was an intense almost mystical experience.

There were some physiological side effect work noting. My partner experienced no change in temperature I ran a slight fever (99.4) from about 1.5 hrs after ingestion for about the next 4 hours. There were not unpleasant effects from the fever…no head ache or nausea, just a slight fever and light sweat. Although it has dramatic impact on the feeling of love and closeness it also had a dramatic impact in my ability achieve and or maintain an erection. Even with the administration of up to 100mg of Viagra I was effectively unable to achieve or maintain function from approximately 30 minutes after ingestion till approximately 4.5 hours after ingestion….which is about as long as a single dose high lasts. We did double up by taking an additional half tablet after three hours and another half two hours after that. That effectively allowed us to extend the high closer to seven hours again with no further side effects than those noted above.

After effects were modest, a slight continuation of “the Magic” the following morning, but no mood crash or depression which has been noted by others. At one point I remarked to my partner…’how can this be illegal…it ought to be compulsory.’ I should note that I believe the E was top grade and not cut with any of the things knows to produce significant side effects. We may have gotten lucky in that respect.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 83425
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 49
Published: Feb 14, 2020Views: 1,283
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