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Connecting the Minds
Citation:   MethyloneMe. "Connecting the Minds: An Experience with Methylone (exp83147)". Erowid.org. Jul 7, 2017. erowid.org/exp/83147

T+ 0:00
175 mg oral Methylone
  T+ 2:00 75 mg oral Methylone
  T+ 3:30 75 mg oral Methylone
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis
I have had an intense love affair with a broad spectrum of substances over the last fifteen years. I have met many chemicals and have almost always wanted to jump into experiencing something novel and new whenever an opportunity presented itself.

There were the basics when I was younger: coke, meth, a few bowls of opium here and there, a few tabs of X, and of course copious amounts of weed. I think I tried everything that I could get my hands on, but my selections were very limited.

As I got a few more years under my belt, I added horrible amounts of prescription pills to the mix. I messed up my back and ate handfuls of Lortab, Soma, and cyclobenzaprine. My tolerance quickly built up and I was taking Xanax and oxycontin, progressing to morphine pills, and then to fentanyl pain patches and Actiq oral fentanyl lollipops (yes, lollipops), with Adderall thrown in to wake me up in the morning and Klonopin or Ambien to help me sleep at night. I was a walking wasteland of pharms, and I still smoked my weed everyday.

Once I pulled my head out of the zombie cloud of prescriptions and quit taking all of that fucking poison, I stuck my head back into my ever present drug-related reading material and experimenting with botanicals. Luckily I married a man that will travel down this road of experimenting with me.

We went to Amsterdam a few years ago and tripped on shrooms together for the first time. When we got back home, we started a two year long experiment with the different natural highs. Mescaline, LSA, DMT, ayahuasca, Syrian rue, kratom, salvia, cacti, mimosa, hbw, yopo. We had some very interesting times, but almost everything I tried that involved swallowing anything orally ended up with me puking violently. So much for Mother Nature having a gentle hand on my bowels!

All of this trial and error could only lead me into one direction: Research Chemicals. Joy to the world! My first RC was 2-CE. It was like nothing else I’ve ever ingested. The CEVs were intense, and I was swept away into a world of African bazaars and street vendors selling masks of animals that have yet to be discovered. This is the only drug that I have ever had full blown hallucinations, yet I was still very much in control. The sexual energy is explosively raw and ongoing.

After the 2-CE, I ordered the methylone. Mmmmm…Methylone. This is one of my favorite all time drugs. I could be very happy doing this substance and smoking my weed and never touching anything else (beside jwh 018).

My husband and I both took 175 mgs each of methylone wrapped in a torn off rolling paper. I felt the first stirrings within twenty minutes. The come-up is swift and giddy. My body felt warm and relaxed, yet my mind was focused towards my husband. He became all that matter in the universe to me at that moment, and I think I loved him even more for walking down the road of experimentation alongside me. All of the little annoyances that life puts in the way of our partnership, the little everyday stresses, they all went away instantly.

We spent the next six hours or so talking and forgiving and resolving. We were able to communicate about past hurts and present sins in a very constructive way.
We were able to communicate about past hurts and present sins in a very constructive way.
We connected in a way that allowed all of our issues to finally be cleared up, forgiven, and put to a final rest. I guess getting rid of excess unneeded baggage is good for a marriage. The sensations that I got from just a light touch upon my skin… It’s just lovely and warm and wonderful. Sex feels incredible, the emotional connection as well as the physical. I (as a woman) was multi orgasmic, but the hubby did experience a little bit of mechanical failure with his equipment after a while. There was the will, just not a way! There are really no visuals from Methylone, just that warm hazy glow. We did end up having to smoke a few bowls of weed to settle down enough to sleep, and throughout the entire trial my hubby had the whole jaw-clenching speediness about him. I didn’t have that effect, but he wore down some molars a few hours.

We did end up taking two booster dosages, and I think that we caught the peak at just the right time. The boosters pretty much just extended the length of the trip.

All in all, methylone I’d say that methylone is the most comparable to MDMA. No surprise, huh? Still, there is something about methylone that makes me feel more intensely connected to others on an emotional level, rather than the pure energetic bliss of X. Methylone is good medicine for the heart and soul, and it gave me new insights and a way to help me communicate them to the person that I love the most in the world. Take this stuff with someone you love, as it definitely not a party or rave drug. I could actually see a lot of good coming out of this drug if it was used in psychiatric fields or couples therapy. My hubby and I have started trying to take one weekend a month out of lives to spend together with no outside distractions, a few candles, and my special little bag of methylone.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 83147
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Jul 7, 2017Views: 1,532
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Methylone (255) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Relationships (44), Retrospective / Summary (11), General (1)

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