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Experiences with TM
Citation:   Asher. "Experiences with TM: An Experience with Meditation (exp81326)". Feb 27, 2011.

I have practiced Transcendental Meditation for many years. I have varying experiences from deep inner peace to amazing spiritual journeys...

At first when I started meditating it was like entering a dark cave with not much inside. Then after some years of practice my eyes began to adjust to the darkness and then I could start making out objects and seeing around the cave. Sometimes I see dazzling light and moving spiral waves of light that pass through my body into the universe. Other times I become really big - like the size of my room or even the size of my city! Then I also become tiny like a speck of dust. Occasionally I as if travel through the galaxies passing stars and other large cosmic bodies. These glimpses into enlightenment bring unbounded bliss and lasting fulfillment to my life.

In activity outside of meditation I notice improvements with my relationships with people and I have a growing intuitive ability to know what people are thinking or what will happen next in my surroundings. I feel I am growing with efficiency and skill with what ever I do and my grades at school reflect this. I recommend meditation to anyone wanting more peace and happiness in their life. Transcendental Meditation is the most researched form of meditation on the market but there are many different types - I haven't tried any others because I am happy with TM.

Best Wishes!

[Reported Dose: 20 minutes twice per day]

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 81326
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 27, 2011Views: 5,921
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Meditation (128) : Health Benefits (32), Retrospective / Summary (11), Unknown Context (20)

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