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Changed My Life
Citation:   Vegard. "Changed My Life: An Experience with DMAE & DHEA (exp78712)". Feb 21, 2018.

750 mg oral DMAE (daily)
  50 mg oral DHEA (daily)
DMAE & DHEA as Dietary Supplements

I've been taking DMAE daily for about 4 months now, DHEA I've been taking for perhaps 3 weeks.

DMAE: When I got my first package of DMAE, I started by taking 100mg every morning. The first couple of days were affected by a bothersome headache and my mind was kind of cloudy (which meant that it did NOT improve my concentration). When the side effects disappeared, my mind was indeed clearer than before, I also felt more awake and energetic. I had no problems with getting sleep at night either. But the biggest effect must be the enhanced mood, I used to be pretty much depressed all the time, a problem that is now taken care of. It also gave me moderate amounts of extra confidence.

Taking it continuously for a week or so, I felt I needed to up my dose, this happened all the way up to 750mg, where it seems to stay balanced for the time being.

DHEA: I later bought two bottles of DHEA, each tablet containing 50mg. Keep in mind that I took it combined with DMAE.

What I noticed here is mostly an even more elevated mood, more energy, and a confidence that erased my shyness completely. It feels great, I love just meeting random people and engage in conversations with them. I also got a headache the first couple of days on DHEA.

I also think I should add that while on DHEA, I no longer feel nervous or doubtful of anything. An example being that I just got a tattoo on impulse. I love the tattoo, so no regrets, but I don't know what I would feel about it if I stopped using DHEA. I get confused when I think about it, cause I don't know if it was me or the DHEA who wanted the tattoo.

I think these are both great products, they've certainly changed my life for the better and I will continue using them as long as they're available.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 78712
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 21, 2018Views: 3,678
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DMAE (151), DHEA (171) : Unknown Context (20), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Combinations (3)

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