Terrible, Cool, All at the Same Time
Morning Glory Seeds
Citation:   Hopeless User. "Terrible, Cool, All at the Same Time: An Experience with Morning Glory Seeds (exp7845)". Erowid.org. May 31, 2002. erowid.org/exp/7845

500 seeds oral Morning Glory
I had been a regular pot smoker earlier in the year, until the weed supply in our city ran out. Desperate for SOMETHING, I got introduced to Coricidin (Which is in my language, HELL), and used it for god knows how long. After a while, I began to feel serious liver pains, and after being caught + going to the hospital twice, I decided to stop using it. The visuals and trips were just too intense and scary for me. And the hangover would last for 2 days....

So I read up about LSD for a looong time. I asked around, and of course, nobody has weed, why the hell would they have acid? Interested by the effects, and looking for patterns and other visuals rather than an all out OBE that I can’t remember and was the single most scary experience of my life. Again, I can’t stress, NEVER USE CORICIDIN, you’ll see and feel things you wouldn’t imagine.

So, I read on some site you could make acid from morning glory seeds. I read up and discovered that this was a long and complicated process, which I knew nothing about. I read that they contained LSA, which was very similar to acid. Intrigued, I decided to pursue.

I bought some seeds, came home, and started to chop the tops of the packets off and pour them into the bowl. I was talking to some girl asking her to come trip with me, but decided against it.

I started to chew up seeds and when I finished it was about 3:10. By then, the lights were bright as hell. I walked out front, and took the cup and an almost empty coke with me, along with a box of hot tamales candy. I started to drink it and immediately felt puky. I finished the liquid and found a whole bunch of gooey stuff at the bottom, which I picked up with a spoon and ate. GROSS STUFF, puked some of it up right away. Then started to eat it with the hot tamales. Took like 20 minutes to put it down. I then finished my coke, which I really wish I had more of.

I got on the internet again, and brought a pot with me. I felt really pukey, but couldn’t throw up. I just ended up spitting a whole bunch, trying to get the awful taste out of my mouth. I got bored, and put on yellow submarine (Beatles). I felt REALLY drowsy, which I thought was unusual. I then noticed it was the nausea, turned to the side, and puked my guts out. It was around 4:00 by now. I dumped the puke in the toilet, and looked in the mirror to find the lights BRIGHT AS HELL...but I could see myself, not something I could do on Coricidin. I walked back out, and looked at the walls...the patterns and stuff that were on the movie were on the walls too...amazing effect. I then danced, and couldn’t stop. I danced and flowed to the music on the video. I laughed uncontrollably for a few minutes, and looked up at the clock- 5:00. 1 hour and 30 minutes until my dad got up.

I went to the bathroom, and saw my pupils wider than they had ever been. I went pee, to see that it had rainbows reflecting off it. I bent over while peeing, and almost peed on my face trying to get a better look at it.
I felt so great inside, NO paranoia whatsoever. I decided to go into my room and enjoy the dark-room visuals (like I wasn’t having enough already..). I walked in, and picked up my CD player, and walked back into the kitchen...why, I have no clue. I picked up the bowl of the seeds, and poured it into a baggie, and set it on the table. I then discovered that rubbing my face was the most euphoric thing I had ever felt in my life. I picked up 6 bananas and some string cheese to get rid of the taste, and stupidly proceeded to chew up the rest of the seeds.

I put on the headphones and listened to Sergeant Pepper, and looked around to discover everything was the Beatles. There was a paper on the table, and on it was the lyrics to a Beatles song. (It was really some dance recital program). I saw a guy on a newspaper looking at me, got pissed, and knocked him off the table. I then started to count seeds one by one, laughing each time. I took 20 at a time, paranoid that if I took 1 more or 1 less, it wouldn’t work.

I shoved the seeds into the banana, and ate the part with the seeds in it. Took a while to chew, but I did it. I ate more seeds, and looked at the bag and got disappointed. Looking around was very alien....Nothing was real anymore. The colors were all wrong...(every wall was yellow and blue), and I was in the studio with the Beatles. I looked at the clock to see that it was 6:15...SHIT, my dad gets up really soon. I grabbed the baggie that had just a few seeds left, the CD player, and scurried to my bedroom.

I laid down, and glanced over at my covers, to see a snail humping my bed. My whole room was green. I got under the covers to see that I was in a forest, and I started to look for a cat to pet. I didn’t find any, got disappointed, and then found that I was just under my covers. I looked up and moved my hand to get some intense trails (very cool, I might add..) I looked at a poster on my wall, to see that the word 'roadkill' had been changed to 'painkiller'. I found this funny, then sunk back into my bed when I saw a PISSED OFF WOLF looking at me. (I have a poster of a wolf on my wall, but now, it just seemed very mad, with red eyes.)

I got up to go to the bathroom, and did. Upon walking out, I heard my dad down the hall in the kitchen...OH SHIT....I ran to my bedroom, and slapped on Sergeant Pepper again on my CD player.

I danced quietly to the music, watching everything beat in time. I got intense trails on everything, especially my hands, which I enjoyed watching. I looked at my clock...around 6:55 or so.. (The numbers were very warped). I got an incredible urge to go run around outside naked, which I couldn’t do, since my dad was up. I also HAD to tell somebody that I was tripping, I just HAD to. So I waited for my dad to get into the shower, upon which I ran outside and ran to my friends house.

His parents were home, so I walked back home and called my friend. He was still asleep (it was 7 in the morning!) and I hurried to bed to beat my dad out of the shower. A couple minutes later, I thought he was gone, so I peeked my head out of my door and yelled his name. He came rushing into my room right after that, and I turned away to hide my pupils. He asked me what I would do that day, and I said 'go away, I’m grounded', and he got pissed, and left. After what seemed like an eternity (in reality, 5 minutes), I went out, and walked around to check if his truck was there...it wasn’t, but he was driving away...scared the hell out of me. I was talking to myself, which I responded to by yelling 'WHY THE FUCK AM I TALKING TO MYSELF?!!' Everything was echoing REALLY BAD at this point. I jumped around inside, watching trails. I then fell on the floor and discovered I couldn’t get up, instead, I laughed and watched trails for about 30 minutes.

I went back to my room, knowing that people would get up any second. I got bored, and jumped into the living room, turning on the TV and watching stuff about the McVeigh execution. I just felt odd about this, and then had difficulty grasping the concept of who he was...reminded me of Coricidin, and I got scared. My sister came in, and she was 10 feet tall...she asked in a voice that seemed very distant...'you were up all night, weren’t you..' I responded with 'I’m sick, bye', then laughed all the way to my bedroom.

I lied down and watched visuals for countless hours, pissed that I couldn’t go out and do stuff....I had way to big of pupils, and my mom would know. I had to get up sometime, and I told my mom I was sick, she bought it, but said I couldn’t do anything active...DAMN! ALL PLANS RUINED....So I went outside and watched the extremely bright street warp in and out of the ground, and swirl some cool looking patterns.

I tried to eat some toast, and then puked it up, went in my mom’s room, and passed out. This was at about 1, and I was still tripping really hard, but I hadn’t gotten any sleep last night. I woke up at 7, thinking it was the next morning, and I was my dad. Freaky, I went in, said I was going to bed, and I did. The next day, I slept all day, and got some minor trails on my hands, nothing like the previous day. It was extreme....FUN, too...what people have explained as about 3 or 4 hits of acid!! I was happy for days that I had experienced that, but the nausea stayed around for a couple days....I have never done them since, I am waiting to get some weed to smoke with it so that I’m not so nauseated..

Anyways, only do it as a last resort, but do it at least once. Strong shit at such HIGH doses, Much like what I have heard as 3 or 4 hits of acid. Can’t wait to get my hands on the real stuff though...
For about 2 weeks, the thought of the taste of that stuff made me want to PUKE, but now I’m over it and eager to try it again, at a higher dose, and with some bud to share it with.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 7845
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 31, 2002Views: 4,731
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Morning Glory (38) : Alone (16), First Times (2)

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