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Search for a Non-Addictive Anxiety Med
Kava & California poppy (combo extract)
Citation:   Nervous Wreck. "Search for a Non-Addictive Anxiety Med: An Experience with Kava & California poppy (combo extract) (exp77104)". Apr 30, 2016.

  oral Poppies - California (extract)
    oral Kava (extract)
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  200 mg oral Pharms - Sertraline (daily)
After reading several reports about Kava, and realizing I only have a little money and am about to run out of MJ, again, I decided to go a cheaper (hopefully) route to serenity and have bought a bottle of 460 mg of whole lateral root Kava Kava pills, and a 30mls tincture of Kava Kava and California Poppy compound. The pills are 50 capsules and cost about $9. The liquid compound cost about $13, so I hopefully bought enough of this stuff to get me through several day without my MJ :(.

A little background on me: I have suffered from anxiety, insomnia, and depression for most of my life. I was on Ativan for 6 years, totally hooked. Eventually I was placed on Xanax (I liked the Ativan too much) and have been getting a tiny amount every six weeks, so I’m not hooked anymore. I smoke medical marijuana nearly every day, but I can’t really afford it anymore. I smoke cigarettes on and off, today I’m smoking. I am hoping that won’t affect this experience too much, but cigs are very bad for anxiety (I know, I’m brilliant). I take 200mg Zoloft every day, and most nights 150mg of Trazodone, or I don’t sleep. I have had 3 major nervous breakdowns to the point I couldn’t function. I’m a grown ass man, 37 years old, so don’t think I’m just doing this for kicks. If this turns out to be fun, even better, but I’m just looking for something to calm me down in the day, and get me to sleep at night. So, here we go with the compound. The Kava/California Poppy combo sounds really interesting, so I’m trying this one first. I plan to take two droppers full of the tincture, and will wash it down with a cold glass of 7 Up. I have never taken Kava before in my life, and have never had any success with any herbal remedy before, so I am very skeptical of this, but hell, it only cost $22 so why not try it?

It is now about 1:00 pm. I can’t wait until night to try it, so I’m downing the drops right now.

I read the bottle and it said to put it into warm water and drink it as tea. So I’m boiling some water right now.

1:00 exactly: I’m sipping on it now. The water isn't boiling, about 110 degrees F. The label said to use 15-30 drops. Since I am so skeptical about this, I am drinking 100 drops. This may be stupid to do, but I really want to test drive this substance.

The taste of the tea is a little bitter, but not too flavorful. I am hoping to feel numbness in my mouth, and I do feel a tiny bit of it, but nothing major. Wait, the feeling is growing. Let me stop going on and on and drink this.

1: 05pm: slight numbness, but nothing major. The numbness is creeping down my throat a little. The tea was very easy to drink. I’m now going to just read Kava reports of others, and screw around the apartment a little, and smoke a cig or two. I had two small donuts 5 hours ago, so my stomach is fairly empty. I’m hoping something happens.

1:18 I am starting to feel something, but it is quite subtle. I do feel more relaxed, though. I took another 30 drops or so straight from the dropper. It’s not as bad as I thought - better than a shot of booze.

1:30pm I feel calm, but that’s about it. Not much happening. I haven’t had a cigarette yet, and I might have one, but so far it’s not very strong. My mouth still feels a little bit numb from that last dropper full. I don’t think I’ve taken enough of it for a real effect. Will take another 100 drops straight from the dropper. Did it. My mouth is far more numb than before. My tongue feels like I just tasted some cocaine. I’m hoping this does something more than before. I’m going to have a smoke break now, which is dumb because I want to calm down, but you knew that.

1:45 Had a smoke and made a phone call. No problem with talking to people. I do feel a little disassociation with my body. I walked around in my apartment and it seemed there is a slight delay in the time between I wanted to turn myself, and when I actually made a turn. I can type just fine, but it did feel strange at first. Very, very subtle effects. My body does feel slightly heavy too. I’m not sure if this is the Kava, the poppy extract, or both. The body feeling is growing slightly as I sit cross legged typing this. It is kind of nice. Does not feel anything like marijuana to me. Feels more like a low dose of Vicodin, or 5mg of valium maybe, but different than both. Interesting feeling.

2:22 I’m ending my report. This stuff is useful in that it
calmed me down
made me sleepy
Gave me a slight opiate feeling - kind of the love in the heart feeling. A small emotional rush. Might be good for depression.
Did not greatly affect my ability to do anything.
I have a slight headache

So, after taking 230 drops of this tincture in 35 minutes, about 1/10th of the $13 bottle (recommended dose was 15-30 drops?!) I give it a thumbs up. It can serve a purpose. This should get me through my 10 days of no MJ period just fine.

Exp Year: 2009ExpID: 77104
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 30, 2016Views: 4,227
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Poppies - California (279), Kava (30) : Alone (16), Combinations (3), First Times (2)

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