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Went OCD
Prednisone & Cannabis
Citation:   xtxstonerxtx. "Went OCD: An Experience with Prednisone & Cannabis (exp74977)". May 19, 2020.

90 mg oral Pharms - Prednisone (daily)
    smoked Cannabis  
I had a rash all over my body that was thought to be an allergic reaction, but later found to be an autoimmune flare. I was given an IV of prednisone and then put on 90 mg/day (30 mg / 3xday). During that time, my rash disappeared and I had absolutely no pain in my joints. Also, I only needed about 5-6 hours of sleep a night. This was amazing because I normally felt tired all day long. Now I felt a little manic, and I felt as though I could get all kinds of things accomplished.
I felt a little manic, and I felt as though I could get all kinds of things accomplished.
My acne completely disappeared, leaving beautiful, smooth skin. Initially, it was amazing.

The downsides of the drug definitely outweigh the benefits. While I normally ate 3 meals a day, the prednisone made me need to eat at least once an hour. I felt like a wild beast that had to constantly fill my stomach. My body became more boy-shaped. My breasts became smaller and my stomach became flatter. My whole body looked more firm, but thicker. I gained about 15-20 pounds. My face looked so disgustingly fat, and it took months to even out.

To chill out, I tried cannabis while under the influence of the prednisone. This combination caused me to become severely OCD. I couldn't touch anything without napkins in my hand. I washed my hands for about 30 minutes. I panicked, almost crying, thinking I had set something off in my brain and I would be OCD forever. My perception of things changed, I could almost see the germs covering every surface. The OCD thoughts continued all night and into the morning, clearing up completely the next day.

I am a little prone to OCD, but I'm not usually germ-phobic. I felt as if I stepped into the mind of someone with OCD and I was having another person's thoughts. Interesting, but I wouldn't encourage anyone to try to have this experience. It was absolutely agonizing.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 74977
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 19, 2020Views: 1,341
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Pharms - Prednisone (226) : Combinations (3), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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