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A Cocktail of Drugs & a Nightmarish Moment
Mushrooms, Blotter & Alcohol
Citation:   Sally. "A Cocktail of Drugs & a Nightmarish Moment: An Experience with Mushrooms, Blotter & Alcohol (exp72985)". Erowid.org. Oct 19, 2018. erowid.org/exp/72985

4 oral Mushrooms (fresh)
  5 oral Mushrooms (fresh)
    repeated oral Alcohol - Hard  
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
    smoked Cannabis  
[Erowid Note: A substance(s) in this report might be identified incorrectly. Erowid reviewers question the author's identification of the drug described. Although the report is included in the collection, the substance might be something other than the author believed it to be.]
My long-term boyfriend and I had planned to take mushrooms one Saturday afternoon, after having done it a few times already, having amazing experiences. After taking some fresh mushrooms and not feeling too effected, we had more. We drank spirits and smoked cigarettes (which we normally don’t do).

After a few hours, I felt affected, objects in my peripherals swirled and shook and colours changed, everything seemed to expand and then contract as if breathing. We cranked music and laughed and chatted.

Suddenly, my boyfriend pulls out a bag of LSA tabs. He was planning to take them with a couple of his friends on a long weekend, but we were having a great trip and just wanted more, more, more… so we took one each. Not knowing we needed to wait at least four hours to take more, we shared another an hour or so later (mind you, perception of time is warped on these sorts of drugs). Unbeknownst to me, he took the rest of the tabs at some point that afternoon- having 4 and a half tabs to himself. He had never done it before. While we were waiting for the LSA to work, we ate some old, dried mushrooms. It was as if nothing really mattered and we were capable of tolerating any amount of drugs. We called a friend to get a bag of marijuana and called other friends to come over. We were having a great time. We lay on his bed, staring out his window at a beautiful sunset. The tree’s branches on the horizon were warping and twisting and swaying.

By the time our friend and his girlfriend came over with the weed, my boyfriend was acting a bit out of it. He wasn’t making sense to our friends and could barely talk properly. I was okay, but struggling to find words. I felt very uncomfortable being in the state I was in, in front of people who were straight. We chopped up a session and smoked it. My boyfriend had a massive cone. He lay on the bed and was unable to interact with us; he was in his own world. Other friends came over, and my boyfriend couldn’t say more than 3 words to them. He kept repeating the same lines over again, like “I feel sick” and kept asking where I was. He needed to go to the toilet but refused to get up. He eventually pissed himself. He wouldn’t get up to change and he was too heavy for me to pull up. All our friends left at that point, it was too much for them to be around.
I sat and tried to snap him out of it for a while. I took his pants off and tried to get him up to change pants. He got really angry and confused about what was happening.

For the next part of the story, you must know that my boyfriend is an incredibly passive person and has never hurt me in the four years we’ve been together. This part is somewhat blurry in my mind. I remember I either yelled at him or cried, and he reacted so frighteningly violently. He repeatedly kicked me from the bed, then pulled my hair really hard and yelled in my face. He was clawing at my face and trying to kick me. I pulled away and looked at my hand, it had blood all over it. I wiped the blood off my face and sat and stared at him for a while. I told him I loved him to calm him down and kissed him. He licked me in a sadistic way and pulled my hair again. I pushed all my weight into him and put my arm against his neck to suffocate him slightly. I told him to stop and he said okay. I sat and stared at him for a while. Every so often he would look at me with a horrifically scary face. I didn’t know what to do. All I could think of was to go upstairs to his 17 year old sister’s room. I went up there, where she and her friend were sitting, talking. They were horrified at the cuts I had on my face and disinfected them and put ice on them. I was absolutely petrified to leave my boyfriend by himself. I didn’t know if he would harm himself or break anything. When I left him he was saying over and over “no one even knows why”, “it doesn’t make sense” and “what is the point of all this?” as if he was having the revelation of his life.

I sat with the girls for a while and got worried, I asked them to come downstairs with me. We did this twice, the first time I left him alone again, the second time, we heard him having a shower so I helped him get changed and asked the girls to sit with us in the living room. He and I were so cold that we were both shaking so much. We sat on the couch and put calm music on and he drew symbols on paper.

He suddenly seemed to snap out of his trance and noticed I had ice on my face. He asked what happened and I eventually told him. He was distraught at what he had done. As he was calm and coherent, I felt safer and the girls went back upstairs.

He and I eventually decided to go to the spare room to sleep, but couldn’t sleep all night. We just lay there talking. He was obsessed with me keeping ice on my wound.

I had the most horrible headache the next day and spent the whole day throwing up. He felt so awful about what happened. He said that he would never forgive himself. We had to make up an elaborate story for when people would ask about my face. Despite the day part of the trip being wonderful, the night part was the most horrifying experience of my life. To feel deeply frightened by someone you love and trust is one of the worst things that could happen. It’s Monday night and I had to get today off work. I still feel spaced out and I don’t think I’ll ever feel totally normal again.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 72985
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 19, 2018Views: 1,439
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Mushrooms (39), Unknown (120) : Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), Relationships (44), Train Wrecks & Trip Disasters (7), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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