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Childlike Beauty
Mushrooms & Cannabis
Citation:   Japhy. "Childlike Beauty: An Experience with Mushrooms & Cannabis (exp65863)". Erowid.org. Jan 4, 2010. erowid.org/exp/65863

5 g oral Mushrooms (plant material)
  1 bowl smoked Cannabis (plant material)
On friday evening I received a call from a friend, Bob, who informed me that he just purchased around 50g of mushrooms that were just picked a few days before. He told me to come visit him later that evening which I did. I brought along a friend of mine Ed. Once we arrived we greeted everyone and layed out on the table were bags each containing about 8 grams each.

Being my first time eating, I was a bit weary about the taste as I have heard and seen from others. Peanut butter is the cure. Around 7:30-8:00pm I chewed up the metallic tasting caps and followed them up with peanut butter. This seemed to take all of the texture and flavour out of the caps and masked it with something more enjoyable. Since it was my first time I decided to eat all the caps about 12 in all, and give the stems to a friend, Dan, who finished them off. I would guess I ate around 5g.

We went downstairs to sit around and listen to music. Ed and I decided to smoke some weed, regs they were, and packed a bowl. Sitting on a couch with Bob I remember him saying, 'I can't wait for the trails'. I could only guess what he meant. The weed hit me and I remember feeling high, shortly after I ask Bob if he has seen the trails, he replies with 'Oh yeas.' So I sit back and wait for things to begin. A few minutes later I start to see trails, our other friends were playing a game which involved throwing a ball through a hole. I remember seeing the ball floating through the air, almost like it was being stretched from one side of the room to the other. I was very pleased with the whole situation, being my first experience, I was proud and happy as to the way things were going.

We moved upstairs, which seemed like I was climbing Everest, to a patio outside where we proceeded to watch the trees sway in the breeze. The moss hanging from the limbs seemed to have a aura about it Each grouping was being illuminated from behind. I was just ecstatic at how beautiful the moss was, and how insignificant I had thought of it before. I tried to talk to a friend, though it was just all too complicated, words refused to flow naturally, and thoughts of speaking just were too much for me. I felt way to pure to bother with talking, and I knew my friend felt the same. The only thing I could get out was to ask my friend the time, he replied with '9:00'. I couldn't believe that only an hour had past since we started, it felt like the night was already over. We all just watched as things happened and pondered. I remember thinking how lovely everything was, nothing was more beautiful than the way I perceived them during my experience with the mushrooms.

I clearly remember felling extremely uneasy, after speaking to Ed the next morning I found out he felt the exact same way. Once I sat down, I felt that I wanted to sit somewhere else, to get a better view at something. Then once sitting there, I thought I would like it more if I laid down and watched the sky, which was wonderful. There was the sense that my arms weren't one with my body. I could hold them up as if they were floating there on the side of me, though I didn't feel as if I was holding them up. They just seemed to drift where they wanted to, within the reach of my torso, I was very pleased with this and though it was lovely. I stared at my hand as it drifted by my face, and remember thinking of how odd it looked. It clearly was my hand, though I couldn't figure out it was where it was, in front of my face, it just seemed to float. This was one of the most profound memories from the night.

The four of us decided we would go for a walk down to a lake. The lake was only about a 10 minute walk, though it felt like hours. Many cars past us as we walked along the side, they seemed to be driving aimlessly, as if no where to go, just going. When we arrived at the lake, we crossed the road and saw a group of people who were dressed as if they had just gotten out of some fancy function. It was very strange, just then another group of 4 or so girls, jogging, ran by the first group. One of the runners seemed to trip and fall, and they couldn't stop laughing. The runners were conversing with the well dressed folks as if they were at a large party. Still I don't understand what really happened there. We walked to a dock where a friend of mine put his hand on the railing and freaked. It turns out someone had left a rubber worm used for fishing and Dan happened to lay his hand upon it. We decided to walk back to the house and visit the pond behind it.

The three of them took chairs out to the pond to sit, while I went to the toilet. I grabbed the last chair and held it over my head upside down. As I walked the light shining on the grass seemed to shimmer. As the light shifted it appeared that the grass was moving, snake like, I knew they weren't snakes at the time, though this was my best description at the time. We just sat watching the sky beautifully illuminated by the cities lights. We looked up and the formation of the clouds produced a well defined lobster, with two stars forming his eyes. It was quite ironic. For some reason Dan brought up the topic of jello and we all sat around making jokes about how everything was jello and the lobster had come for it. At this point I would guess it was around 10:30pm and the trip was just starting to peak. We decided to go back to the porch to watch the sky and listen to some music. As we carried the chairs on our heads I remember asking Bob, 'Why are we wearing these helmets', referring to the chairs on our heads, he just seemed to laugh.

Dan and I sat inside while Ed and Bob went onto the porch. I remember looking inside the neck opening of my shirt for no reason really, and it being just littered with patterns. Layers upon layers of revolving patters, sort of like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory when they ride in the boat, but no where near as frightening. I came out and told Dan 'There's Pink Floyd in my shirt!' I don't think he understood, so I went back to my fantasy. A few minutes later we joined our friends on the porch to view the sky and trees. I remember asking my friend to put on Pink Floyd after my experience, which he did, but for some reason I just tuned the music out. Even though it would blend perfectly, I thought, I couldn't hear it.

We sat outside on that porch for most of the night and I could tell I was starting to come down. Around 12 we moved downstairs where we put on Super Troopers which I seemed extremely involved in. Everyone else seemed to watch as if it was a normal movie, though I was almost 'in' the movie. I had to understand exactly what each character said and how it pertained to the overall story. A friend of ours, Jess, took us to get milk shakes which was wonderful. The whole car ride I just looked out the window as I remember doing as a child on road trips, absorbing the scenery. We retired to watch the rest of the movie and later sleep a beautiful nights rest.

Looking back on my experience it was really a wonderful time, time spent with friends, even though we were together so to say, we were in each others presence. The experience of being able to see everything in a new way, childlike, was amazing. It opens your eyes to everything again, things that were mundane, everyday objects where suddenly pieces of art and extravagant. The amount I ate seemed to work perfect being my first time. The only downside I saw was that of what seemed like a long decent back to reality. Though after speaking with my friends the next day they seemed to have stayed peaking much longer, which could have been due to the amount that they ate compared to what I consumed.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65863
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 4, 2010Views: 4,009
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Mushrooms (39) : First Times (2), Glowing Experiences (4), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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