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There Was a Bat in Here....I Think
Citation:   Legalred. "There Was a Bat in Here....I Think: An Experience with Diphenhydramine (exp65009)". Oct 28, 2009.

T+ 0:00
125 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
  T+ 5:00 200 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
6:00 a.m
I am not sure how much of this is true or actually real so I going to tell it like I know it. I have been using diphen as a sleep aid for years. It also works as an anti depressant and anti anxiety-or so I read on the internet. Right now I am listening to some music. Its Sailing by Christopher Cross which I usually love but it is getting on my nerves. It sounds like it keeps pulsating and getting louder. I just took 200 mg diphen-HCL.

1:00 a.m. (earlier)
I took 5 diphen HCL in an attempt to go to sleep. I was laying in my bed after chatting up a couple of guys. I decided quite stupidly to watch 'Dead Silence' which is a freaking nightmare that contains a scary ventriloquist dummy that is killing people. I keep looking up at the ceiling fan. Something keeps catching my eye. Oh, I think, its probably a flash back. I notice the thing again. My dogs aren't barking which is surprising me because they are usually very perceptive. Its like something is flying through the room near the ceiling. Ok, there it is. I am getting up this time to check it out. Its a big bat. There is a big bat flying around.

I begin screaming. No, shreaking. I grab the phone and a towel. I call my ex who lives close by. My dogs are looking at me like I am nuts. Its flying around my dogs. They have never seen me behave this way. I have two pugs and they are looking at me like two cows in a pasteur. My Ex doesn't answer. We are still friends so I know he is home. I IM him I have an EMERGENCY. The bat takes a few laps over my head. This is not completely out of the question. I mean that there is a real bat. I live upstairs in an old victorian house. I call again and he answers! Finally! I am shreeking into the phone and he says he will come over. I take myself and the dogs into the closet and call another friend. He is laughing and I get a little annoyed. I open the door a crack and see the bat fly through the room.

I get up the courage to break for the first door that will put me into a stairwell to the security door. I can wait there for my ex. I let the dogs out and we run for it. No sign of the bat. We make it out alive. My ex shows up with the pool skimmer that now adorns my living room adding a weird recreational feel to it. We go in and look around. I am annoyed by him because he is a pussy. He always has been. No bat flying. We search all over. No fucking bat. I want the sucker caught and I am pissed because I know I won't be sleeping until we get it out. I decide not to finish the scary movie. I want nothing more scary at the moment. I chat with my friends online. I start to wonder if I hallucinated the bat so I go online to look up diphen. Sure enough.

6:47 a.m. I have been up all night. I ate too much earlier but I feel hungry. I do not know if there is a bat in here. Earlier I decided to drop some more diphen out of boredom and being pissed cuz I can't sleep. I keep hearing some noises. It could be the bat. The thing is, I am not afraid of the bat anymore in a way. I am like 'bring it!!'. On the other hand my skin is creeping and crawling and I keep letting out little screams because I think it is crawling on me. It feels like it is touching my foot or leg. I feel almost sure it is close by. I don't care but I hope I see it first.

The dogs are sleeping. I think I am hearing thunder and I can't tolerate music at all. It is extremely obnoxious. I wonder what it is like to do peyote and be skinny. My dogs are so cute sleeping there. I hope they don't die. I just had to get up for a minute. I debated dropping more because of the bat. I don't want to freak if it comes out again. I want to eat but I don't want to rouse the bastard. I am convinced it is waiting for me to let my guard down so it can scare the shit out of me and ruin my trip. I need to shave my legs but that bat is probably in the shower. Rationally I know it can't be more than one place at a time but I am sure it will be in either one should I try to go there. The bat is my destiny.

I hear a chirping. It could be birds outside-or it could be the bat. I am trying to tell how far away the sound is but my mind can't do it. I guess I want a sandwich but do not have the gumption to make one. I have a magic picture on my wall and I think the bat is hiding behind it or in it. I think it is a master of camoflag. It can change colors. Blend in. I like life regardless. I realize once again that I am in love with someone. I don't know why I love him. I am going to discuss a few things with him in my head and watch a little TV. I can tell him things in my head that I can't say in person.

Next Day @ 7:55 p.m.
Well. That was weird. There is still no sign of my little house guest. I have checked the apartment really well. This morning I had layed down to disrupted sleep @ 7:00 a.m. I dozed but kept having weird dreams that woke me up. I couldn't really tolerate any noise from TV or radio. I finally slept pretty heavy and woke up at 3:00 in the afternoon. I was feeling a little strange. I feel groggy, my limbs are heavy and I can't remember sleeping much. I remember last night somewhat. I feel lethargic and sluggish.

I don't want to experiment with diphen again. It just didn't do a whole lot for me. If that bat was a hallucination it was the most frighteningly real on I ever experienced. I have never done that before so I am allowing myself to assume there really was a bat and it is either hiding or it left the apartment. Hopefully the latter-although I am not that afraid of it anymore. I was hoping to find it so I could catch it. I had a little anxiety when I went to bed. I was afraid of the bat and that I wouldn't wake up.

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 65009
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2009Views: 9,949
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