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No Need 4 Speed
Yerba Mate
Citation:   Yerba Matty. "No Need 4 Speed: An Experience with Yerba Mate (exp64182)". Oct 14, 2018.

3 cups oral Yerba Mate (daily)
    oral Oxcarbazepine (daily)
  1400 mg oral St. John's Wort (daily)
    insufflated Tobacco (daily)
    oral Kava  
I have been drinking yerba mate for a few months now, and absolutely love it. I was formerly prescribed amphetamines for ADHD (straight up amphetamine salts as the bottle read) and came to hate them as they constantly wore my body and mind down. This constant abuse certainly had an effect on my behavior and most definitely worsened my bi-polar like symptoms, although at the same time this was a blessing since I had never been diagnosed before as bi-polar. Currently I take a new type of anti-seizure medication known in the US as 'trileptal' which works wonders for my mood stability. I complement this with a daily regiment of multi-vitamins, a balanced diet, exercise, and my beloved St. John's Wort. Also, I have drastically cut back on my cannabis usage, but have begun to enjoy kava kava more and more as a dietary supplement. Unfortunately, I still use tobacco dry snuff daily, but I have no plans of giving that up. But nothing allowed me to focus more than adderall, at least until the honeymoon period ended and it only made me hyper-distracted. Yerba Mate has made for an excellent and healthful substitute.

This wonder tea has all the benefits of amphetamines and coffee, yet none of the hunger suppressing, irritable, insomnia side effects. The moment my lips took the first sip of the beverage, I felt like I had met an old friend I hadn't seen in years. I knew that I had somehow consumed this brew before, perhaps in a past life or something like that. Its almost like a flashback every time I drink it, but to when or where I am never sure (which really makes for a unique mystique!). At any rate, this masculine version of green of tea, 10 times better in flavor and effect, comes on like meth taken orally in some ways, at least in my experience. If I make a 2 bag, 8 oz. cup, a body buzz rushes over me slowly but surely, and soon I'm flying high and fast but not recklessly, nor quite euphorically, but certainly with a pronounced 'whoosh' sensation. I am able to focus and perform tasks much like when under the influence of adderall, sans the jitters and aggression that typically follows.

My only complaint against Yerba Mate is the duration of effect is far too short. On the flip side, this does allow for one to fall asleep with ease (unlike coffee or amphetamines) and means more breaks from work to enjoy another cup and shoot the shit with co-workers and friends. Its a great social/intellectual 'drug' as South Americans have known for awhile now. There isn't much of a crash, but rather a slow come down that's not harsh at all.

Yerba Mate gets five stars in my book. With kava, it makes for a unique, focused state of being! Bottoms up...

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 64182
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 14, 2018Views: 2,622
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Yerba Mate (282) : Combinations (3), Glowing Experiences (4), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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