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I Gained Twenty Pounds in One Month!
Olanzapine & Quetiapine
Citation:   Viscous K. Lidocaine. "I Gained Twenty Pounds in One Month!: An Experience with Olanzapine & Quetiapine (exp61836)". Jun 6, 2018.

2.5 mg oral Pharms - Olanzapine (daily)
    oral Pharms - Quetiapine  
  2 tablets oral Diphenhydramine (daily)
zyprexa 2.5mg

Supposed to take this for my bi-polar, but I just can't....I was I was started on Geodon, which was great, but due to insurance reasons, I had to stop. I was placed on this frikin' Zyprexa. I gained twenty pounds in one month!

And the exhaustion? Pfft! I have a year old son and a six year old daughter I have to get up in the mornings. It made me sleep like you wouldn't believe, but I was so hungover the next day, I couldn't function. I'd spend the next day on the couch, dying for sleep.

I finally said 'Fuck It!!' I'll take the ups and downs, because I have a life, I have to live. I can't be gaining twenty pounds in one month, my mother was bulemic and I'd be purging in no time to avoid the weight gain.

The other thing was it put me in the mind of Seroquil, in that it knocked me thru the floor, and if I did wake up at night, I wanted sweet stuff to eat, or I binged on whatever at night, about thirty minutes afetr taking it.

Chocolate...I'd wake up in the night and eat chocolate!

Bad drug, but of course my doctor thinks its done wonders (because the Geodon is not an alternative with medicaid) so I take two benadryl and I sleep fine...which boggles my mind. I've the tolerance of an elephant, and done everything but freebase Ambien, hated Lunesta because of the metallic taste...but if I take two benadryl, I sleep well...

Exp Year: 2007ExpID: 61836
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 6, 2018Views: 1,770
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Pharms - Olanzapine (260), Pharms - Quetiapine (273) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Medical Use (47), Not Applicable (38)

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