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Goodbye Boners
Citation:   slim calvin. "Goodbye Boners: An Experience with Codeine (exp52298)". Jun 8, 2007.

  oral Codeine (pill / tablet)
    oral Acetaminophen (pill / tablet)
I would consider myself decenty experienced and safe drug user. my friend C had a bunch of codeine from a prescription he got after surgery. I had had a concussion the day before and was feeling pretty out of it..... it was kind of a drunk/ouch/dumb feeling, but mostly ouch. I took 2 of the pills with some iced tea (MMMMM). The pills contained 30mg of codeine and 300mg of acetaminophen in each. My friend told me that that was a dose that I probably wouldn’t notice any euphoria on, just relief from my head pain.

All it did was take away my head ache. The next day I took 3 pills, it felt pretty good, the next day I took 3, felt good and the next day I took 4 after I came down from coke (which was a great time to take them). For every single one of those 4 days I felt extremely un-horny. Which is weird cuz I’m usually an animal. Getting boners was not impossible but it was a chore, I was even watching a good porno on the last day and still didn’t really feel turned on, I read up on codeine and didn’t see it say that this was a symptom. So there is my experience with codeine.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 52298
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 8, 2007Views: 10,870
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