This Stuff Does Make Me Retarded
Inhalants - Starter Fluid
Citation:   DarkSide. "This Stuff Does Make Me Retarded: An Experience with Inhalants - Starter Fluid (exp5065)". Mar 1, 2001.

[Erowid Note: The "water extraction" method is ineffective in separating diethyl ether from the volatile hydrocarbon liquids/gases in "starter fluid". Our understanding of the literature is that there is no such thing as safe use of volatile hydrocarbon gases: their psychoactive effects are inseparable from nerve and organ damage.]
Another Starter Fluid Experience

I used the starter fluid technique of adding water to started fluid and draining off the bottom layer to get ether. It worked extremely well. This stuff completely screws with my head. If it wasnt for the ever-lasting smell in my lungs...(up to 1hour after inhaling) this stuff would be amazing. I inhaled the fumes through a sock soaked in the ether....after 4 or 5 deep inhalations I was overcome by a feeling similar to that of nitrous oxide but a little more drunken feeling....its after affects lasted for quite awhile....some 30 mins. later I still felt wierd but the affects were great. I stopped doing it only because the smell of the ether was in my nose and lungs wich I was enjoying afterwards. This stuff does make me retarded but I'd be cxareful with too much..I can totally see how someone would black out. Fun stuff for a boring night without any other drugs around.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 5065
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 1, 2001Views: 1,508
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