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False Positives
DXM & Drug Testing
Citation:   Dexonaut. "False Positives: An Experience with DXM & Drug Testing (exp49950)". Jun 22, 2007.

  repeated oral DXM
I am living proof that DXM DOES infact cause false positives for PCP. I am 23 years old and on probation, I have to take random full pannel screens. I have recently failed 3 drug tests in a row for PCP. The ONLY substance I have put into my system was DXM. I had taken DXM (500-800MG) the day before I had to drop and each time it has come back positive for PCP. The only time I seem to fail is when I take DXM. I got lucky on not getting a probation violation, but they are really pissed. I am in the process of trying to prove to them that it can infact cause a false positive. However they tend NOT to listen to me because I have been in trouble in the past. What can I do to proeve to them that it can cause this. I have tried showing them various sites on it. That doesn't seem to be good enough.

Exp Year: 2006ExpID: 49950
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jun 22, 2007Views: 6,855
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Drug Testing (59), DXM (22) : Not Applicable (38), General (1)

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