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Beyond Words
Citation:   RocketPilot. "Beyond Words: An Experience with 2C-I (exp47968)". Nov 29, 2005.

25 mg oral 2C-I (powder / crystals)
The following is a general summary of the events leading up to and following the ingestion of ~25mg of 2c-i by 'Jon'. Let me begin by saying the doses obtained varied between 20-25mg, and that the doses weren't eyed out! Note, this trip reported through the eyes of Jon, and Stephanie's experiences are told second hand.

(-2 Weeks) - Obtained 6 doses of 2c-i, each varying between 20 and 25 mg. Jon had done 16 mg. of 2c-i months before, and he had an excellent time, very visually appealing yet lighthearted. Jon had also tried 20 mg. of 2c-e about a month after his first 2c-i trip, but made the mistake of smoking cannabis during his peak, which propelled him into a rather unpleasant experience. He decided to go with 2c-i again, using his positive past experience as his reasoning, but asked for a slightly higher dose to ensure an enriching +++ experience.

(+0:00) Jon and three friends each ingest a dose of 2c-i and prepare for the ride. Jon selects the fullest looking capsule, leading him to believe that he ingested the one of the capsules that contained around 25 mg. Each person has eaten lightly to avoid too much nausea on the come up.
(+0:30) Jon begins to feel the onset of the drug, which includes a lightened mood, intensification of colors, and a neon fuzz emanating from everything, similiar to static on a televison. To go along with the visual aspects, there is a bodily feeling similar to the rush of the onset of ecstacy, and Jon feels like he could dance the night away or run a mile.
(+1:00) Jon hasn't visually surpassed where he was at (+0:30), but he begins to feel a little negative, fueled mostly by the fact that his girlfriend 'Stephanie' has become overcome with negative feelings. Also, Jon and Stephanie both complain of slight joint/muscular discomfort, centered around the jaw and lower back. The sense of unhappiness doesn't leave either of them, so he decides to leave with her to return to a place where they can be alone.

(+1:30) Jon and Stephanie find a ride to her apartment, and as they are walking down the sidewalk leading to the parking lot, Stephanie says she's still not tripping, but proclaims that she feels as though she's walking on an incline. Jon, who had been looking at his feet the whole time, looked up, only to perceive the world as though it was on an incline as Stephanie had just said.
(+2:00) Jon and Stephanie enter Stephanie's room and crawl into Stephanie's bed, neither of them feeling as though they're at any point past where they were at (+1:00). Stephanie's room is dimly lit, with a lamp that consists of three different bulbs which each have a different color cover. They decide that they're just going to have a quiet conversation and fall asleep.
(+2:30) As Stephanie and Jon talk, Jon finds himself losing complete track of his thoughts, and he finds it hard to articulate. Stephanie proclaims that she is starting to see movement in pictures that are tacked to a board on the wall. They both wonder if it's residual effects, or if it's actually starting to work.

(+2:45) Stephanie and Jon have quickly reached a ++. Still objects throughout the room seem to vibrate with life, and blotches of colors appear against white walls, slowly moving about and changing colors. The experience is pleasing, despite the fact that the thinking process is very confused and it is hard to talk. The sheets that encompass the two trippers feel awesome against the skin, and light touch produces a resonating euphoria similar to ecstacy. The rush feeling and slight discomfort that was felt on the onset is still present, but is easily ignored by Jon as he indulges in the rich, light-hearted visual experience.

(+3:00) Stephanie and Jon have reached their peak, which is a full +++ experience. As Jon stares at the ceiling, it morphs into a giant kaliedoscopic pattern, each piece slowly changing and moving in a circular pattern. Jon also has beautiful closed eye visuals, patterns of neon colors (green, blue, pink) that morph into numerous elaborate pictures. The most memorable of these closed eye pictures looked like a rock from Easter Island surrounded by feathers that blew in an imaginary breeze. The scenery is so intense that Jon forgets that he is a being, and simply sits back and enjoys the ride, conversing lightly (and barely intelligibly) with Stephanie.
(+4:30) Suddenly Jon becomes aware that he has been so enveloped with his mind that he has paid little attention to his body. He discovers that his sinuses, jaw, and mouth all throb with what he wouldn't describe as pain, but pressure. He also realizes that he has been desensitized to touch, to the point where he feels pressure from his girlfriends hand on his leg, but doesn't feel the sensation of her skin on his. This bothers Jon, but he resolves the issue by attempting a deep and meaningful conversation with Stephanie, who is enjoying a much ligher ++/+++.

(+5:30) Stephanie proclaims she has to pee, and this is the first time either Stephanie or Jon have moved in about 3 hours. Jon decides to stay, but as soon as Stephanie leaves the room Jon begins to feel uneasy and suggests that Stephanie leave both doors open as she uses the bathroom. As she pees, Jon realizes that he has not urinated since the beginning of the experience, and does not feel the need to do so. He finds this odd, and decides to go to the bathroom just in case. He pees, and finds that his bladder was in fact quite full, despite the fact that he could not feel the discomfort associated with a full bladder. He also realizes that it takes much concentration to relax the muscles 'down there.' He is confused by this, and adding to this confusion is the fact that the toilet water keeps changing colors as he pees, and the room keeps tilting, resetting itself, and tilting in another direction.

(+6:00) The bathroom experience has really shaken Jon, and he begins to realize just how out of sync he is with his body. His sense of smell has been limited to the point where the only odor he picks up on is the smell of burnt cigarettes, even though neither Jon nor Stephanie is a smoker. He also realizes that his sense of taste has limited everything to the point of being bland and flat tasting. The issues that Jon has with his body keep coming up in his head, as though his thoughts are a recording that keeps playing through and restarting. Stephanie puts on music, hoping to soothe Jon, but the music doesn't sound right to him. It sounds as though he is listening to it underwater, or listening to it being played at one end of a tunnel, and he is hearing it at the other end. He doesn't like the music too much, but Stephanie is enjoying it so he drowns it out with conversation.

(+6:45) Jon has been talking to Stephanie for the past 45 minutes, trying to ignore the thoughts that are continuously reeling through his head. His visuals are still +++, but become dizzying at times, forcing Jon to close his eyes. Stephanie has begun to come down, perhaps at a decent ++, but she is now complaining of being severely tired. Also, she compains of slight nystagmus, and feels the need for sleep. Jon is still +++, and the thought of Stephanie sleeping worries him, for he knows he will be alone with his head if she does so.
(+7:15) Stephanie has said her last, and has rolled over to go to sleep. Jon, however, is just starting to come down from his +++, and he can distinguish the fact that he is coming down by the fact that there are periods of time where the body high lifts and he can feel the coolness of the air on his skin. However, when these periods pass, he is propelled back into a full blown +++.

(+7:30) Jon lays awake, staring at the morphing ceiling, which is starting to lose some of it's detail. However, his mind is still completely confused and worried, and he starts to wonder when/if the experience will ever completely end. He becomes really annoyed by the music, and decides to shut it off. The result is complete silence, but Jon's mind won't let this be the case. As Jon lays awake he begins to hear things, things that don't sound as though they occur naturally in this world. The sounds he hears are as though they have been produced by a computer, and consist of everything from a ringing and beeping in his ears, to the sounds of planes flying low overhead, to semi-human (but semi-evil) laughter. The auditory hallucinations, worrying, and slight fear stay with Jon until baseline.
(+9:00) Visually, Jon is a +, but in his head he is still a ++, and he begins to think he'll never sleep again. The sound of the heat running is amplified by about 100%, and sounds somewhat scary to him.
(+11:00) Jon is finally baseline, but he's left with an achy jaw, achy joints, and an achy lower back. He is also wide awake, and will remain this way until he goes to sleep the next night.

Overall, Jon's second experience with 2c-i began very slowly, but as soon as he altered his physical settings his trip intensifed exponentially, and lasted a long time. Jon has deduced that the intensity and duration of his trip was directly related to the size of his dose, leading him to conclude (correctly) that 2c-i is extremely dose-sensitve. Although Jon felt uncomfortable and slightly paranoid during a decent amount of his trip, in hindsight he finds that it was amazing and worthwhile. He tells me that next time he doses on 2c-i (which won't be for awhile, he needs a break!) he's going to drop his dose to between 15 - 20 mg, as he hopes to embark on an experience that is more light-hearted, and less intense.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 47968
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 29, 2005Views: 8,971
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2C-I (172) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5)

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