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Fun While Fucked
Citation:   Crashed n' Smashed. "Fun While Fucked: An Experience with 2C-T-2 (exp45905)". Jan 11, 2007.

15 mg insufflated 2C-T-2 (powder / crystals)
So, It was Wednesday around 10 P.M. I had been attempting to purchase a few tablets of some blotter LSD with no success. Eventually, I decided that I wanted to call it a night and decided that it was time to go home. I arrived at my place around midnight Thursday morning with somebody whom I shall label as 'Pal.' So Pal and I were extremely disappointed in the fact that neither of us had found what we were looking for. At around 12:30 A.M., I recieved a phone call from somebody who I shall label as, 'The Man.' The Man offered me a research chemical known as 2C-T-2. I had heard of it, but never actually taken it. Since Pal and I have had multiple experiences with Shrooms, LSD, and other various hallucinogens, we felt like we could handle this not a problem. The Man arrived around 12:50 with 1 gelatin capsule containing 30mg of a clumpy white powder inside. He explained to us that this was suppose to be the same visuals and body buzz of mescaline. I had never done mescaline but Pal had experienced it on a few occations. The man told us that we should break the pill open and each insufflate half a piece. For personal reason, I have never snorted anything, but decided that this would be the exception.

The following is my explanation of my visuals, body, mind, and effects. Pal and I had snorted them around 1 A.M. Thursday morning. An immediate pain followed right when I snorted it. I thought it was just because I had never snorted anything before, but Pal told me that s/he was feeling the same thing and that nothing had ever felt like that before. I kept sniffing to make sure that all of it had indeed left my nose. After about two minutes, the pain in my face was excruciating. I went to the bathroom because I had to urinate. I looked into the mirror and my whole face was bright red and slightly swollen. Did it look swollen due to the pill, I will never know.

After I had finished using the bathroom, I glanced at the rug present in the bathroom and it was starting to breathe with me. I then went back to where Pal was sitting. Pal said that s/he wasnt feeling good, so I went and got s/he a trashbag. Pal then started projectile vomiting into the bag. This was aproximately 10 minutes after we had snorted it. After witnessing such a disgusting site, I realized that I too had to vomit. I stepped outside and vomited in a bush once. Then I looked out into the street and realized that my visuals were nothing that I had ever experienced. The best way of explaining it is that my eyes were connecting lines in, on, and around object that usually are not. Everything was also breathing with me. Pal and I were smoking cigarettes when yet again Pal started projectile vomiting into the trash bag.

My body was extremely hot. All the muscles in my body wanted to move. My body itself would not stop shaking and I couldnt resist grinding my teeth because it was the only thing distracting me from the horrible pain in my face. Pal and I then hit the downward spiral of hallucinations. We both felt sick to our stomachs and were regretting the fact that we had both taken this. In my mind, I felt like I was now sick for the rest of my life and that I would feel this way forever. I felt like I was going to die any second and started thinking insane thoughts that I usually didnt think on other hallucinogens. I started to realize that this will soon be over and I would be coming down from this in a few hours.

About 45 minutes after we had snorted the pill, Pal and I were perfectly fine. The hallucinations were amazing. The ceiling and floor seemed to breathe with me. Colors seemed to stick out more as well. The body buzz I was feeling was that of Ecstasy. I felt extremely good and wanted to get up and move, but remained sitting for the soul fact of not wanted to possibly fall down if I stand up. Pal and I preceeded to talk about our lives and what we were seeing. We started making connections that normally we would never think about. On a side note of that, I still think about everything we talked about to this day. It was now 5 A.M. and I was having problems catching my breath due to either chain smoking cigarettes or the fact that I was starting to come down from this drug. So I preceeded to fall asleep while Pal remained awake. After five minutes of laying down, I passed out.

In all, I believe that the only good use of this research chemical is to make money while making people feel worse than having food poisoning. Advice that I have for people who wish to experiment with this drug is to not snort any more than 10mg at a time and to wait at least a few hours before snorting more. Some useful info also is that the first thirty minutes upon snorting this felt like the worse thing I had ever done. After the downward spiral and the nonstop pain in my face, the rest of it was very mellow and amazing. Personally, I will never insufflate this again, but am considering taking a capsule.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 45905
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 11, 2007Views: 7,453
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2C-T-2 (53) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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