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Too Much
Amphetamines (Adderall)
Citation:   abc123. "Too Much: An Experience with Amphetamines (Adderall) (exp45588)". Nov 19, 2007.

115 mg oral Amphetamines (pill / tablet)
My experience w/ Adderall began during my sophomore year in high school, when it was prescribed to me for ADHD. At the time I had no idea that Adderall was a powerful amphetamine with potential for abuse. For a while I took the prescribed dosage, which was 15 mg in the morning, only occasionally popping a few extra pills if I had a paper to write or something of that sort. Pretty soon however, I found out that I could use this drug recreationally. I began doing lines at parties, and mixing it with alcohol and weed. I then became very comfortable with the drug, and pushed aside the idea that I could ever have too much.

One night, under the stress of having an important paper due the following day, I took a shitload of adderall. Given my age and body weight, the prescibed dosage of 15mg was suiting: it gave me a buzz and enabled me to focus much better. I knew I had a lot of work in front of me that night, so I tried to eleviate the problem by downing around 130mg (twenty-three 5mg tablets) of adderall. I didn't have all 23 pills at once, but rather had them over a 2 hour period; dropping 3-5 pills every 20 minutes or so. The 'high' came on somewhat slowly, since I took them orally as opposed to snorting them.

While sitting at my desk trying to write my paper, I became so focused on the tiny details of my writting that I was very unproductive. It took me nearly 3 hours to write one paragraph because I had to make sure that every word I chose was exactly fitting for what I was trying to say in that particular sentence. This meant that I looked up nearly every word in the dictionary to verify its meaning, and then thesaurus to see if there was a better word I could use. Furthermore, my muscles were constantly tensed, and felt very tingly. At one point I tried to stand up and was met with a very strange feeling throughout my legs and arms. It seemed as though I could feel the inner-most parts of my muscles stretching and contracting as I moved. My heart was beating very fast, my hands were sweating, and my legs and fingers were twitching. Once I got back to my desk, I became entranced with the smell of my nose. Yes, the smell of my nose. While staring at the computer screen I pushed the top part of my nose down so that it folded over towards my upper lip. Being that I was tripping balls on adderall, everything had to be clean. So I therefore used my knuckles to push the tip of my nose downward, so that I would not put any oil on my face that could result in acne. I ended up not finishing my paper that night, and had trouble sleeping the next couple nights. The crash was a bitch also. I felt like, as someone else put it, 'an emotionless zombie.'

Overall, I don't like adderall. Ya, it was fun for a while, but the regular usage kicked my ass. I feel that short term use of Adderall (recreationally anyway) is much better than habitual use. I didn't experience addiction. When I took it daily, it messed up my sleeping so bad that I became very irritable, anti-social, and depressed. (Crashing on Adderall also made me depressed and antisocial) In order to get a good nights sleep I would have large amounts of ni-quil and melatonin. The sleeps aids then became a problem because (1) I had to increase the amount of ni-quil I took in order to put me to sleep, and (2) the next day effects of these sleep aids affected my athletic performance (my muscles were heavy and I felt groggy). If I had had access to prescription sleep aids, I'm sure I would have abused them in order to get a good nights sleep. I then would have become dependent on those prescription sleep aids etc etc.

I have since stopped using Adderall for academic purposes and switched my prescription to something called 'focalin' which allows me to sleep better.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 45588
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 19, 2007Views: 29,972
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