Blue Wave
MDMA (Ecstasy), Cannabis & Supplements
Citation:   K4rnage. "Blue Wave: An Experience with MDMA (Ecstasy), Cannabis & Supplements (exp44441)". Oct 16, 2007.

T+ 0:00
0.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:00 0.5 tablets oral MDMA (pill / tablet)
  T+ 1:30   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
My girlfriend and I first decided to try E a few weeks ago, but not to do it for a few weeks until a special night. We got 2 blue pills titled 'wave', which said consisted of just MDMA. Everyone always said how hard it was to get pure stuff these days, but I seemed to easily find it, though my dealer didn't know what was in it and said it was 'probably cut with caffeine', he probably just rolls too often. Anyway, we wanted to make our roll really special so we decided the 4th was the next best holiday to enjoy it.

At 9:00pm we dropped half a tablet each just so we could ease into the roll instead of being overwhelmed, planned to take the other half an hour later when the fireworks started, when we thought we'd be feeling it. Our sober friend drove us to the fireworks and I couldn't tell if my head was screwing with me or if it was kicking in, but it was most likely placebo. I asked her and she said she felt nothing.

At the fireworks, I still wasn't feeling much but at the end of the show, about 10:20, things were kicking in. I had taken the second half 20 minutes earlier so I knew I was only feeling the first half so far, it was a good feeling (obviously). I got nervous for 5 seconds then breathed and calmed down and everything went uphill from there. My girl had said she didn't feel anything yet and was really antsy/pissed she wasn't feeling anything, so we drove back to our friends house to party and hang out, the music was awesome to listen to during the car-ride. She still wasn't feeling anything and then we went into a side room with a few friends to smoke, and without her even smoking (I just had), I asked her probably for the 15th time, 'You sure you don't feel it yet?', when finally I saw her eyes were more dilated and she seemed more focused into me, she finally felt it. She seemed to peak quicker/stronger and I peaked longer, because she seemed like she was rolling harder most of the time than I was, her eyes were wide as all hell, not as much as mine, and she had this huge perma-smile for 4 hours straight while I was defenitely high but didn't feel as if it were as intense as her roll, or maybe I just reacted differently.

We basically rubbed each other and talked for the whole time, with a bunch of really drunk friends wondering why the hell we'd been rubbing eachother for so long and then realized what we were doing. They kept annoying us about our huge pupils and her wide eyes, and trying to scare us thinking we would get tripped out. The great thing about E is having full control (mostly), much unlike alcohol which I don't care much to drink, because I hate that feeling of losing control.

There was probably a lot of rambling done, but here's some more. E is good, it feels great. It felt nothing of what I expected it to be like, but at the same time it felt like deja vu in the memory of having that feeling before, maybe in a dream or in the past naturally, it felt quite framiliar. I couldn't stop telling my girlfriend how much I love her, and her back, we basically made verbal love while rubbing each other for most of the time. Kissing felt amazing. Everything did. Next time we're going to drop a full tablet at once instead of spreading it out, so we can have a nice peak together and stronger. My friend was telling us you can't split a tab in an hour like that if you want an intense peak, and he was probably right.

It was an amazing night, one of the few best of my life, comparable to my first psychedelic experience, and that was Ayahuasca a year ago. Both were pure bliss in their own ways, I defenitely will love these two drugs for the rest of my life, and will make sure not to abuse either one. I think personally, that MDMA is better for the brain than alcohol, as long as it's not abused. Just the feeling of a hangover makes me feel like a lot of brain cells died during the night, and with this I felt very good in the morning. We only got ~5 hours of sleep, but we preloaded 2 hours before the trip. 1000mg Vitamin C, 400 IU Vitamin E, and then when we went to sleep took the same, along with 100mg 5-HTP. I think the 5-HTP might have helped up with not feeling groggy or dead the next morning, as people were saying this could happen even though it didn't. Perhaps it was splitting the pill that caused that, who knows. We were going to take melatonin but we didn't want to pass out yet, we just wanted to enjoy the end of it and lay together and just fall asleep, and it happened quite naturally.

The next day, today, we got decently strong coffee in the morning and felt a slight buzz again, was grinding my teeth a little still and had a slight buzz for 2 or so hours. Felt pretty normal the next day, very happy afterglow too. No resemblance of a hangover. Spent the whole day with her again and learned to appreciate rubbing eachother, because even baseline it feels nice. I felt very much in love with this girl before last night, and now I feel even more in love with her. It was an amazing night.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 44441
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 16, 2007Views: 7,107
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MDMA (3) : Relationships (44), Personal Preparation (45), First Times (2), Large Group (10+) (19)

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