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Pale and Dizzy
Hydrocodone & Cannabis
by Tar
Citation:   Tar. "Pale and Dizzy: An Experience with Hydrocodone & Cannabis (exp43233)". Sep 4, 2007.

2 tablets oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  3 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
While fairly stoned one night I rediscovered the medicine cabinet in my bathroom behind the mirror. I explored therein and discovered a very old looking prescription bottle containing twenty pills of what the lable put plainly as Hydrocodone. It seemed that the prescription was made out to my deseased grandmother who had had liver problems in the past so I assumed the acetaminophin content of the pills to be low to none.

I experimented with the pills first, taking only one to see if I liked the effect. The feeling that set it was faint and almost not worthy of note. The feeling was a mixture of a slight lack of focus and a tendency to feel extremely comfortable while in a relaxed position. All in all quite pleasant especially while sleeping. I mostly used the hydrocodone to medicate my insomnia. Taking one pill before bed proved to be a very good way to have a full night of wonderful sleep.

Soon I made the decision to try hydrocodone in my waking life and on an occasion took two pills with a friend. It turned out that taking two was a pretty nice high. I knew that drinking with these pills in my system would definitely not be a good idea considering my lack of knowledge on their make-up. Weed, however, sounded more and more like a good idea. So at a kegger one night I decided to take two pills and smoke some reefer. I smoked from three seperate bowls, the strains in two of them were unknown but the one I had loaded myself was a strain called mango, which turned out to be some serious chronic. In a few moments the high I had been expecting kicked in. A strong sense of relaxation combined with a disassociated feeling from the weed. I found myself soon lying back on my friend's bed where we were smoking and having an all in all joyous experience.

Time went by without me really paying attention and I almost missed my chance to hit the pipe. The roster in the room had a bit of a change-up, some people leaving while others came in. Two of my female friend who walked in gave me a horrified look and told me I appeared deathly pale. Apparently my face and lips were a solid shade of white. I at first thought they were screwing around with me, knowing that I was exremely high and therefor gullable. I felt fine so I told them I would hear no more of it and walked off. Standing was an adventure. The muscles in my legs and arms felt shaky and when I stood still they actually began to twitch uncontrollably. I felt a little bit dizzy but still quite relaxed and good.

I walked around the party for a bit, talking to some people I knew, until finally those same two female friends came back. They asked me if I was alright and told me I should go lay down. I consulted one of my male friends as to whether or not I was pale, he did not seem to think so. I shrugged it off and went on with my business. It seemed the more I stood the dizzier I became. I decided to find a place to relax and went back into the basement of the house. I leaned against the stairs while socializing with the people there. The same female friends started to ask the room if I looked pale. The girls all seemed to think so, the guyz said otherwise. Dizziness hit me hard and I had to go into the back room and lie down.

I found that lying down did the trick and I was suddenly feeling VERY good again. A mirror was brought to me and I discovered that I did look a bit like death. My lips were blueish and the rest of my face was a chalky white. My color came back while I was lying down so I didn't think much of it. The rest of the night progressed in the same way. Standing was difficult and dizzying and also seemed to flush the color from my face. Sitting and lying down brought me back.

I don't know what can be said about the experience. It was none too bad but the dizziness is something to be contended with. I have read other people's experiences and some have had the same problem with going pale and feeling slightly sick. I would say its best to know the composition of your pill before experimenting. At this point, for safety reasons, I don't believe I will be taking more than two of the hydrocodone I have.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 43233
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 4, 2007Views: 15,037
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Hydrocodone (111), Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), Large Group (10+) (19)

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