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Old Stuff (Snuff) New Ways
Anadenanthera spp
by yopo
Citation:   yopo. "Old Stuff (Snuff) New Ways: An Experience with Anadenanthera spp (exp41521)". Mar 31, 2006.

3 seeds insufflated Anadenanthera spp. (ground / crushed)
I thought I'd give these seeds a try but wanted to reduce the seering pain associated with it so I made my own recipe. Simply I took 3 seeds and popped them on a dry skillet. Peeled them and ground them to a fine powder, then I placed a small amount of baking soda in a metal ladle and put the seed powder in, just enough water to cover the mix then heated till boiling for 5 seconds, I then put the whole wet mix in a coffee filter and squeezed out as much liquid as possible on a flat glass plate, put the plate in the microwave until it dried.

Now I scraped the powder off the plate, made two big lines, railed them....OK there still was the pain and alot of sneezing but all of this was bearable. I'm sure it was not half as bad as others have had on the powder without the extraction i did. Now the heavy body intense visuals and disconnected sound effects. VERY nice trip. 10 minutes or so, and no seed solids to drip down my throat. All in all it was worth the effort. Will continue to do this over and over again! P.S. smoking works too but smells terrible and tastes as bad. Also hard to get the same effect with the smoking method.

Exp Year: 2005ExpID: 41521
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 31, 2006Views: 12,200
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Anadenanthera spp. (284) : Unknown Context (20), Preparation / Recipes (30)

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