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Beauty in All Its Infinite Aspects
2C-I & 5-MeO-DMT
Citation:   Dark Kitten. "Beauty in All Its Infinite Aspects: An Experience with 2C-I & 5-MeO-DMT (exp32299)". Aug 7, 2004.

T+ 0:00
20 mg oral 2C-I (liquid)
  T+ 2:00 10 mg insufflated 5-MeO-DMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:59   repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
I have been in a rather large state of upheavel in my life right now, and have been searching for answers in everything, and I decided that it was time to take a look deeper into myself than I could alone. I had gotten some 2C-I and 5-MeO in the mail a few weeks earlier, as something to do to help me think, and they each helped individually, but then I had a thought, 'One is a Tryptamine, and the other is a Phen, I wonder how they would react together...' So at about 7:30 pm, on a Wensday night, I mixed the 20 mg of 2C-I that I had seperated out with some Tang that I was drinking. (It still left a nasty chem taste in my mouth.)

7:30 pm: T: 0:00- Dosed with 20 mg of 2C-I. Tasted bad, but better than the 45 min drip that I get with insuffiating it.

T +0:15- starting to come up a little, walk down stairs and past my relatives in the living room and go outside for a cig and to listen to some music. I stay out there for 15 min to a half hour, and watch the gravel and just stuff outside and it starts to blur a little and get my typical 2C-I pattern, lots of spirals with an emphasis on pink, green and yellow, all neon colours. (Anyone else have that effect, it seems to work like that on me and my close friend, and I was wondering why it is specificly those colours that are emphasised.)

T +0:45- Notice again how much 2C-I comes in waves, I am high for a bit, then go down a bit, then come back up a little higher than before, then go down again. This is the only drug I know of that does that, and I am wondering how it will affect the 5-MeO...

T +2:00- Ok, jumping ahead here. I laid on my bed watching the ceiling and listening to the endless chatter in my head that comes with 2C-I and watch part of Fight Club. Really good movie, makes me think even more than I already do when I am tripping. But at this time, I had measured out 10 mg of 5-MeO previously, and laid that out, surprisingly, I had no problem getting it into a line and insufflating it, I was amazed, as I always am, at how little it burns, or for that matter has any taste at all. I lay back on my bed and felt the Tryptamine rush that comes with the 5-MeO and watched the wall swirling next to me.

T +2:10- Wow, that came up fast! The 'touchy feely' x-like feeling of the 2C-I has been amplified so much it is hard to describe anymore. I decided it was time for another cig, so I went back down stairs and went outside and had one, played with the cats a little. It was like each time I saw a cat, I had to relearn what it was, and each time I touched one it was like the first time all over again. All of a sudden I decided to look up at the sky, the wind started blowing, and even though it was quite cool outside, I felt rather warm, I felt at one with everything. Every sound was perfect, every touch was amazing, everything was beautiful, and exactly as it should be.

T +2:30- I went back upstairs and lay back down, and let my mind freely wander. And suddenly, I hit a snag on a question that I have not yet even been fully able to answer. The question of what is real? This plagued me randomly through out the rest of my trip and even though I could direct my mind away from it every now and then, it still kept popping back up.

T +2:45- Still lying on my bed, I decided to put on some relaxing music, so I put on a mix that I have made for sleeping to, and turned on my visualizer and watch the colours on the wall change in time to the colours in the viz. That is pretty cool, but my mind is still turning the question over in my head.

T +3:15- Back down to standard 2C-I level for about this time, swallowing it is much more mellow and thoughtful than insufflating, that is more of a visual trip, while swallowing it is more of a thinking trip, less paranoia too.

T +3:45- 2C-I trip seems to be tapering off much more quickly than normal, I can feel that it is only going to last another hour at the most, the visuals are still there, but they are starting the slow ebb back to whence they came.

T +4:30- Almost back to baseline and feeling very tired. I take an over the counter sleeping pill that says it is active in 30 min, so I figure I will be about to sleep by midnight, or one-ish. I lay down and close my eyes and watch some after images of my computer screen. Relaxing, just laying there, the question of what is real comes back to me. So I think about that and one of my last thoughts before I fall asleep was 'If I can answer that question, I might be happy...'

T +5:30- Fell asleep.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 32299
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 7, 2004Views: 11,816
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2C-I (172), 5-MeO-DMT (58) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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