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Jesus is a Rabbit
LSD & Cannabis
Citation:   Whacky Christian. "Jesus is a Rabbit: An Experience with LSD & Cannabis (exp31303)". Nov 14, 2007.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (plant material)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (plant material)
Went to the guy's house who I normally buy acid from. Told him to give me two tabs, one for me and a friend (Kenny). I knew my Kenny would be in the local hangout spot in the woods and when I got there I saw him sitting on the steps to some poorly built clubhouse/5X5wooden box-in-a-tree. I said 'Yo! I got some fucking acid!' We giggled like two school girls in excitement, really hyped because we had been best friends for a long time and always wanted to do 'hard-core LSD' with each other, but something always came up. So we popped the paper tabs at around 3-4 and sat on the steps, they were steps to a deck we ripped off from a construction site, bullshitting over some cigarettes.

Maybe 15-20 minutes later we see a fly land on a log and started staring at it. After we realized we were both staring at it for about 5 minutes, we just looked at each other and went 'heh,' then we started laughing some more. Anyway, we just laughed because we both knew that we were burnouts (16 at the time). So we left the woods and a went a few blocks away to a friends house. Told him we were on acid and watched some TV. His Mom came home and he told us to get the fuck out and wait for him and his brother on the corner. Later he and his brother met us and they bitched because we didn't get them any acid. So we walked to the acid guy's house and he wasn't home. So after hearing them bitch they decide to go get some of the 'good weed' from some dude. This guy is rarely home so we usually don't even bother, but we did and he was home (lucky us). One of the brothers (Anthony) buys a dime and we set off to what would be the night that almost killed me, left me permanently insane, a hippie christian or dead.

We go back to the woods and find another one of our friends (Lou) sitting on a rock waiting to see if anyone was gonna come around. We greet him and bullshit for a little bit, then me and my friend start to 'feel weird.' Anthony is telling us about a few nights ago when he was hanging out at a beach and the cops raided it. Now this fucking kid can tell a story. He's going into to detail about every move everyone made and exactly how it happened. While he's telling the story, I feel the damn acid starting to work, and I knew Kenny did too. Things start looking a bit distorted and the the crickets I hear are starting to bug me out bad. Anthony starts talking about him running from the cops and it being hard to run in the sand and jumping off fucking little cliffs and trying not to fall over the peer and die.

Now I start thinking to myself (while all I hear is Anthony babbling in some strange laguage and the crickets sounding like some sort of spiraling noise) 'What if the cops come!? I'm fucked! Oh my God! If they come, I can't talk, I'm out of this fucking world! I've lost touch with reality, holy shit! The cops are coming? The cops ARE coming!' So I just walk away verbally saying 'The cops are coming' over and over like a chant. The cops are coming, the cops are coming, the cops are coming. I walk down some path, and then walk around in a circle for about ten minutes just saying 'The cops are coming.' Then my friend Kenny comes by and starts asking if they're really coming. I get out of the trance and go 'What?' We stood there silent for about 10 minutes, trying to take in this incredible surrounding which just seemed to be a blur. So many leaves and trees and dirt, and the sounds of the forest only making things much worse.

We go back to the clubhouse steps and Kenny says 'I see them. Looking through that window. Godamn pigs.' For some reason I saw them to and some window. But we didn't seem worried anymore. We lit a cigarette which tasted like warm milk (Marlboro light). We go back to Anthony and Lou who rolled the good weed joint and a blunt. Kenny sits on a rock and starts meditating, going ohmmmmm. Ant and Lou are laughing at him and for some reason I started to get freaked out. I tried to keep cool, I sat on a rock and felt my heart beating and heard myself breathing. Then I had the 'outter body experience'. I see myself sitting on the rock. I get up and start moving like a worm, because I can see myself do it but not actually comprehend that I'm making myself move. Amazing! Lou and Ant are dying. One kid on a rock meditating with his legs crossed and me standing up and squirming like I had no bones.

They spark up, and ask if we want a hit. I thought maybe it'd bring me down, that's what I heard. I took two fucking hits, I don't think I even inhaled. And that's when it began. The crickets! The sounds made things so much worse. It sounded so distorted and all around me. I started seeing little dots and I say to Kenny 'Do you see that!?' and he says yes. We feel scared and fucking boat out of there. We get out of the woods and the change of scenery scares us even more. We can't see things normally, we still hear the distorted cricket sound and we feel like we're stuck in a dream. Exactly like a dream. Terrified! Our spines were tingling and we had goosebumps. We were just scared.

Then, we ran. We ran about two blocks. Then we saw our friend's house, which gave us a bit of a sense of reality back. But we were still freaked, it felt like a bad dream, like something scary was constantly behind our backs. We somehow ended back at the woods.The dots came back, this time they were red little dots, like the beam from those guns. I asked Kenny if he saw them and he said he did 'the red ones!?' he saw them the same way I did, don't know how or why. I said 'Dude, it's the government. They can always see us.' Then we started bullshitting about how they have satelites that can read the print of a newspaper and shit like that and fake animals that are robots. We can barely understand each other slurring our speach.

Ant and Lou find us and try to calm us down. We grow suspicious of them. I was going to pick up a rock and bash in Lou's skull and I knew Keny was thinking the same. Ant goes, you guys need a drink, your lips are dry, I can see the chapped skin on them LOL. He goes across the street from the woods to the deli and grabs us a fucking CITRA! this was like the citrus drink at the time. He says don't worry, the cops aren't coming and neither are the FBI. Look at the printing on the back of the bottle, it'll get your mind off it. Now me and Kenny are thinking, what the fuck is he up to? He's trying to trick us! We started yelling at him violently. I don't know what we were saying.

We sat down and then fucking drank the stuff (LOL). Made me feel a lot better. It got dark out so we found our big ass lattern light and sat around all of us fucked up. Then a Rabbit comes along, me and Kenny were thinking about killing Ant and Lou. Just staring at them evily like we knew they were with the area51 type of guys. The rabbit walks right in the middle by our light and just sits there. I didn't think I was seeing it, but was somehow just drawn to it. I hear the fucking thing say 'Mike, it's God. I'll stop this, but promise me you'll never do it again.' Sits for a few more seconds the hops back in the weeds. I hear the weeds shake and heard them perfectly. I was brought back to reality!

I went home that night and ate about 4 bottles of pringles and a creamcheese sandwhich, I think I used like half the jar of creamcheese. The trip wasn't over. Me and Kenny were still talking about the governemnt and still felt like they were watching us. Then we got into that Y2K and the government making 'the beast chip' bullshit. About 6 months later we realized that we were still bugging out from that acid. It fucked us up big time. Everyday it was just me and Kenny talking about the government and the end of the world. Until we realised we had just been owned by acid.

Exp Year: 1999ExpID: 31303
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 14, 2007Views: 6,765
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