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Rubik Cube
Citation:   That Guy. "Rubik Cube: An Experience with Hydrocodone (exp31280)". Jun 6, 2007.

T+ 0:00
22.5 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 0:57 7.5 mg oral Hydrocodone (pill / tablet)
  T+ 2:00 2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
  T+ 3:00 2 bowls smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I’ve recently been experimenting with quite a few drugs, including DXM, opium, and all sorts of different colored pharmaceuticals, but my most recent drug is hydrocodone. Now the other night I took 15mgs and smoked about a half gram of some really good pot, which I tend to mix it with all of the drugs I do. This high started off slow but really got to me soon. It in fact hit me incredibly hard. The paranoia was unfortunately really bad as I was overwhelmed by the experience and didn’t relax as much as I should have. After about an hour and a half I was tripping more than I think I ever have in my life. Not having found much on the Internet about this drug I started to freak out and get scared. In an attempt to bring myself back into reality I put in some stand up comedy that I have, since listening to someone talk generally brings me back. Soon my trip started to level off and I was able to enjoy myself listening to some good music and making an attempt at playing some video games.

Well though this first attempt didn’t go as well as I had hoped, I decided to make a second attempt. Now you have to understand that I prepare my surroundings before I start to trip on anything, so as not to have to worry about anything. So I went downstairs and fixed myself some food, then grabbed something to drink. When I’m high I generally like actual solid food so regular munchies just don’t cut it for me. I wrapped the food up and put it in the fridge so I would just have to turn on the microwave when I wanted it, I took the drink back upstairs and set a few cans of coke on my desk next to my computer.

I set my alarm clock to go off when I want to go to bed so that I don’t accidentally stay awake all night and I set up a black light in my room. On my computer I set up a play list of the most relaxing music that I have mixed in with some stand up comedy to bring me back every once in a while. I took 4 lortab-7.5 and sat back waiting for it to kick in down in the living room, once I started to feel some effects I came upstairs and began to write this log. So I will be writing this whole thing while I’m on my trip… here goes

10:30 – I broke in half three pills of lortab-7.5 and downed them with a glass of water, I also downed two caffeine pills. It shouldn’t make any difference but I thought it a good idea to note, then headed downstairs and watched some TV with my bro.

11:05 – From here on out this whole thing is being typed as it happens so you may have to bear with me. I am feeling some effects of calmness and a sort of lifting of my
spirit, I want to call someone and talk but I’ll wait until later to do that.

11:18 – I think I am going to go take another pill, but I will give it another few minutes. I’ve been finishing up some schoolwork. It may make me sound weird to be doing
that but I should finish it before I really start tripping, I may be a druggie but I’m
a druggie with good grades.

11:27 – I just downed that the fourth pill putting my amount at 30mg. I have something in my eye but down really care that much so I’ll get it out in a little while. Now
nearly an hour later I feel incredibly relaxed and I think I’m just going to chill for
another 30 or so minutes before I hit up a bowl or two of some bud.

11:35 – I just finished my Rubik’s cube in 3 minutes and 15 seconds, that may sound
impressive but its really slow for me, I must try again… 1:38 that’s much better.

11:57 – I don’t know what happened but I think I’m not reacting the same way.

12:12 – I am now headed to go smoke a few bowls but first I will have to create a pipe
out of a coke-can since I recently shattered my glass piece. I’ll be back shortly.

12:42 – Ok so that took me a little longer then I thought it would. I just smoked 2 bowls in my bath room. I turned on the fan to get rid of the smell and sprayed it with
Lysol. I’m high as shit. I can barely think right now, I have a feel of relaxation and also kind of high strung. I’m hearing movement in the house but I think that it’s just the house settling. That took me 5 minutes to write, its now 12:47.

1:05 – Ok I’ve really leveled out now, I think that the hydro is now flattening out to.
The weed has taken full affect and I am feeling damn good. I can hear the game that my brother is playing in the room next door, I can feel everything but nothing feels at all in pain, and my thoughts are really scattered yet clear at the same time.

1:29 – Ok I’ve been really high for about the past hour I believe that the hydrocodone is completely wore off but that’s ok, I still have a few more bowls of weed that I’m
going to smoke in a minute. Reflecting back the feeling that I had were very cool,
much like the last time except not as long and a lot less paranoia. I just went to get
something to eat, bagels.

2:05 – Ok I just got back from smoking a second time, I smoked two more bowls in my
Bathroom. I came back and now I have the most relaxed feeling that I have ever
had in my life. Its insane. I think I am having the hydrocodone after effects added
together with weed. I am feeling a little bit drowsy. I think I would have to say
that one of the greatest bands in the world is Radiohead, right behind Pink Floyd.

2:14 – Ok I’m really tired now and I need to sleep so I’m playing dark side of the moon
and going to bed, looking back, this has been a great high but I believe that the
best part was the part where the after effects of the hydro were in effect and I was
really high, but the other part was nice too.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 31280
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 6, 2007Views: 26,485
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Hydrocodone (111) : Alone (16), Personal Preparation (45), Combinations (3), General (1)

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