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A Walk Through Indifference
Citation:   ThisDuckIsOnFire. "A Walk Through Indifference: An Experience with 2C-E (exp29530)". Feb 2, 2004.

T+ 0:00
7.5 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
  T+ 1:00 1.5 mg oral 2C-E (liquid)
  T+ 1:30 2 hits smoked Cannabis (plant material)
I dissolved approximately 100mg (possibly slightly more, up to –but not over - 150mg) of 2C-E in 500ml of water at the Bronx Botanical Garden. 2 friends (A and M) and I dosed at 11:00 am.

My dose: 30ml: 6mg – 9mg
M’s dose: 40ml: 8mg – 12mg
A’s dose: 35ml: 7mg – 10.5mg

Since this was a new chemical for all of us, and we didn’t know the exact dosage in the dissolved water, we decided to do this as safely as possible.

T+20 minutes: We all feel a little off, but nothing that can’t be attributed to the placebo effect. Certain things which aren’t all that special look very cool, and certain sounds sound very satisfying and slightly different. We amuse ourselves by throwing rocks into a river for about 20 minutes. Going by Shulgin’s method of rating psychedelics on effectiveness, I would have rated the trip one + at this point.

T+1 hour: Dissatisfied with the effects, but not wanting to push it, we all decide to take a very small “booster.” I take 5ml (1mg – 1.5mg), M and A both take 10ml (2mg -3mg). We start walking back towards the car, slightly dejected but interested in seeing if a bowl of pot can bring out some effects (failing that, our backup plan was just to get really fucking blazed).

T+1.5 hours: I take my first hit after A has had his, and as I hold it in my lungs A says “Wow, 1 hit should NOT have done that…” Before I exhale, I realize how thoroughly fucked up I am. We each take 2 or 3 more hits, and get out of the car. As we start walking we realize how bright all the colors are - brighter than any colors I’ve ever seen. Even dull ugly colors are extremely bright and beautiful. ++, bordering on a +++

T+2.0 hours: We walk into an enclosed area, where we follow a bunch of people through a “tour” of different plants. The building is shaped in such a way that you have to walk through a winding labyrinth of really wacky looking plants, and eventually end up back where you started. The auditory aspect of the drug is really starting to take effect. Sounds are completely different. Our brain lost the ability to filter out backround sound, and more interestingly, it lost the ability to maintain the ‘shape’ of sounds. Every sound was as though it were part of some layer in my mind, completely two dimensional. Sounds very quickly came into focus, maintained the same volume no matter how far away they were, and just as quickly left focus. Imagine wearing headphones and playing a tape recorded only background sounds, 1 sound at a time, and all at the same volume. +++ For sure.

T+2.5 hours: We are out of the building and sitting on a bench, although I only vaguely remember leaving the building. Both A and I realize that the visual distortions (aside from the color intensification) are EXACTLY the same, although more intense, than that of Ambien. Whatever 2C-E does to our occipital lobe must be very similar to what Ambien does. At this point we have transgressed the first stage of the chemical, and moved on to second.
We a very aware of an interesting aspect of the drug. The drug is completely neutral – it provides an overlay of “It just doesn’t matter” to everything. That’s not to say we thought that benevolent actions in our world are unnecessary, just that they are ultimately unimportant. We were keenly tuned into the fact that no matter what we do, how hard we strive to be something, all we’re doing is pushing some atoms from one location to another location.

One can realize this completely sober as well, but one cannot understand it as personally as we did. It may be one fleeting thought in the mind, but it is not supported with emotion. One can only truly believe an idea when the emotions agree and reinforce it; something is completely right only when it feels right. At this point we are all still coming up, and the chemical is affecting us more and more every minute. I note the intensity of the chemical, and realize that had psilocybin affected me with such intensity, I would have long freaked out. But the air of “it just doesn’t matter” applied to my own feelings as well. I knew perfectly well that the dose we had taken was safe, and my own mental turbulence was simply of no importance to myself. I felt some negative feelings and some positive feelings, but I didn’t care that I felt them. I was bored just sitting on a bench for an entire hour, but I didn’t care that I was bored – I could sit there for years.

T+3.5 hours: A and myself have stopped coming up at this point, and are now riding a peak that falls in intensity one moment and raises tremendously in intensity the next. M, however, aided by his larger dose, is experiencing something completely different. He is extremely happy, and tripping out of his mind – probably experiencing almost complete ego destruction. We continue sitting on this bench for another half an hour, and then get up to walk around aimlessly.

T+5 hours: M came down almost instantly, while A and I are slowly returning to normal. We are all aware of an extreme exhaustion in our legs from walking around the entire day. Talking allows us to completely ignore the tiredness, and we stick around the Botanical Gardens for another hour before going back to the car. At this point the introspective qualities of the drug clearly show, and it presents its value as a very useful drug because of its extreme neutrality and clearness of thought. When we are not bogged down by emotion, true, unbiased thinking can occur. We walk around and talk about change, and whether or not the actions of this world truly have repercussions. We are all astounded by the fact that the cold, hard, mathematical world can create something that gives it all importance - emotion.

T+7 hours: We drive back to our home city, and stop for food. I am extremely hungry, and although I consume most of my food, I do not particularly enjoy the act of doing so.

T+9 hours: I go to sleep at 7pm, and wake up at 11am pretty refreshed with little, if any, lingering side effects (an overall state of mind).

Notes: Marijuana brought the chemical out very quickly; there is much synergy between marijuana and 2C-E. The visuals of this drug highly resembled those of Ambien, although much more intense and colorful. Although sound itself was not particularly beautiful (I don’t think I would enjoy listening to music as much as I would with psilocybin), the “layering” effect I mentioned earlier was one of the most intriguing effects I have ever experienced. We all agreed that although the 2C-E experience was very necessary, beneficial, and interesting, we will never do it again. Visiting a land of no emotions lets one appreciate emotion, but returning to it is a waste of life.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29530
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 2, 2004Views: 12,682
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2C-E (137) : General (1), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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