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A Minor Trial
Olanzapine (Zyprexa)
Citation:   Rudolph. "A Minor Trial: An Experience with Olanzapine (Zyprexa) (exp29397)". Feb 13, 2004.

2.5 mg oral Pharms - Olanzapine (pill / tablet)
My father is dying, and he is caught in a weird twilight zone where the past keeps jumping out at him.

He was prescribed Zyprexa 2.5mg a day (he is very frail) as well as an anti Alzheimer's drug, which my mother discontinued.

I've become very close to my father in the last year. As he realized he was dying a depression set in, and he started to spill the beans and confess to transgressions hard to understand. Pandora's box was open, at least in his head.

I tried a 2.5mg Zyprexa pill on a rather lazy day. My wife and I walked around the streets of Toronto's East side. The only effect I felt from the pill was a mild 'grooviness' - much like a low dose benzodiazipine, a beer, or a toke. I felt a little bit anxious and confused, but that could be compounded by my emotional state. As well I drank coffee, which I hadn't touched in a week, so my fluttery heart may have been due more to that than anything.

Apparently this is an extremely low dose and it is supposed to take a few days to take full effect, so.......

Compared to many psych meds, it was quite pleasant, though not anything I would be looking for.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 29397
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 13, 2004Views: 32,210
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Pharms - Olanzapine (260) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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