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Seems Mild at Best
Citation:   Justin Case. "Seems Mild at Best: An Experience with Damiana (exp28904)". Erowid.org. Oct 28, 2009. erowid.org/exp/28904

  repeated smoked Damiana (plant material)
For a while I was into making my own incense from raw dried herbs. I was getting these herbs from a few different stores in New York City. I came across a book that mentioned that you could smoke Damiana for a marijuana-like high. I remembered seeing Damiana in a store for a relatively cheap cost so on my next trip I bought 2 ounces. My friends and I tried some and here's what we thought of the stuff...

We all noticed a little light intoxicated feeling. When I say light, I mean that it was mild and had a clean 'light' feeling to it, as opposed to deep or heavy. Being regular marijuana smokers the Damiana high seemed so mild that it hardly seemed worth the effort to smoke. The smoke itself seemed a little minty but a lot more harsh than marijuana smoke. Smoking more than a bowl seemed to be to irritating to our throats.

There seems to be an early plateu of effect when smoking Damiana, that is, after few hits I get just mildly high. After a few more hits, I don't seem to get any higher. I once tried smoking pipe load after pipe load of Damiana and never got any higher than I was after about 3 hits.

After a few experiments we had enough. I ended up giving the stuff away at a club where I sold incense at a little booth. Recently I have read of an other way to do Damiana involving a liquid tincture. I have yet to try this.

Exp Year: 1998ExpID: 28904
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 28, 2009Views: 14,186
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