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Homegrown Dagga
Leonotis leonurus
Citation:   debak. "Homegrown Dagga: An Experience with Leonotis leonurus (exp27630)". Oct 17, 2003.

2 bowls smoked Leonotis leonurus (plant material)
Let me start by saying i have smoked dagga before but with no success. now i have a secret weapon though. homegrown crop! i have been cultivating this plant maybe eight months now. it has reached a height of about two feet. only flowered once though, well so far at least.

so i harvested some in the summer, i dried it by hanging. i had planned to make an extraction, but figured i didn't have enough so i collected more about three days ago and dried that by the same process. the existing material had a small amount of the flower in it but most was leaf. i got to work with the good ol mortar and pestal. gives off a very pleasant lemony herb smell when ground. it wouldn't powder like i expected but i ended up with a pretty shakey product. i didn't weigh it but it looked like maybe 2-3 grams.

the smoke:
i loaded a god sized bowl, not packed just placed in the bowl. lit the pipe. tastes really bad. very harsh. hard to hold in. burned the first bowl through. loaded the next. the taste proves less foul with every toke. i noted that i was salivating alot. almost to the point of drooling on myself. decided to stop at two bowls. used about half of the mixture. gives a strange tingeling sensation around the shoulders, neck, and face. lots of pleghm - a constant throat clearing situation. very mild relaxing sedation, an urge to grin. i walked outside to get to the other side of the house and was overwhelmed with a peaceful almost somnolent feeling. warm and fuzzy that sort of thing.

although short lived it wasnt at all bad. not quite the marijuana substitute i hear claim of. but i will continue harvesting and stocking dried leaf. hopefuly i can make an extraction by spring. i guess homegrown is always the way to go.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27630
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 17, 2003Views: 28,855
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Leonotis leonurus (119) : Alone (16), Preparation / Recipes (30), General (1)

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