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Went to Heaven, I love myself
Citation:   Branman. "Went to Heaven, I love myself: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp27504)". Jun 18, 2006.

T+ 0:00
1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 4:00 1.75 g oral Mushrooms (dried)
  T+ 4:00   smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Well, it was a tuesday and I had gotten back from my computer programming class and I was a bit tired but I felt good because I had learned a bunch of stuff. Earlier that Day (when I wasn’t feeling so good) I had been buying some weed from a friend when he told me he had shrooms (psilocybin kind of shrooms). I wanted to save shrooms for a special occasion... but he insisted they were the best shrooms he had EVER done (my friend has done a lot) and they were REALLY visual. So I decided to buy them and thought I might even try them the coming weekend.

At about 12:30 I suddenly decided that I should do the shrooms at once and write about my experience. I hadn’t had any caffeine or pot or anything that might effect the shrooms within 28 hours. I was also in a GREAT mood (which is why I felt I had to do them).

I was afraid to do them because pot alone can make me kind of uneasy if I take too much (although I’ve NEVER had a bad incident or lost control even on salvia divinorum... although it wasn’t a very high dose) I figured I might panic and have to wake my parents up and go to the hospital... or something... but I knew that I probably wouldn’t be feeling this good on the weekend (probably get sick with my luck).

So I wrote down on a piece of paper my experiences from 12:35am until 5:10am. I decided I should only do half an eighth since it was my first time and they were supposed to be really potent. I ate half an eighth and they didn’t taste nearly as bad as I thought they would... they tasted kind of sweet and salty.

I was feeling a little nervous because in about 15 minutes I was already feeling different (mushrooms I’ve heard should take longer). Something was definitely building.. and it felt very physical. My body slowly felt like it was becoming numb and drunker until about 1:00am...

Suddenly my hands and the windows on my computer screen were floating. I thought I was just having a slight hallucination but then all of a sudden I realized... they REALLY were moving. 'OMG I’ve lost my mind' I thought to myself 'OMG things are REALLY moving I can move things with my mind maybe'. I stopped myself from thinking this and realized it was the shrooms that were causing this odd hallucination.

At 1:10 I wrote down 'Massive something happening'... this was when my arm began to grow. I looked at my arm and it was GROWING. It looked VERY real... my arm was growing to three times its size... and I could see every single hair on my arm all at once. I unfocused my eyes and could see snakes in my arm and other demon like things... but they werent scary.

I felt absolutely great... although slightly (the least bit) sick to my stomach and drunk. I had some music on (very soft) and by now it was 2:30 and my hallucinations were rapidly becoming more and more REAL and personality based. My weight set began to bop up and down to the music and I started to really feel love for my weightset. I thought 'I love you weightset you’re so good at dancing'. It was at this point that things took a drastic turn.

My hallucinations went from REAL (at about 3am) to more real than real life (at about 3:20) and a thousand times more interesting. I could see everything in my room at once... my fan (which was a VERY feminine tiger) ... my weight set (which was a really jolly dancing machine)... and an abstract colorful painting on my wall that was now squishing around like water.

I had never thought that hallucinations this amazing and lifelike were truly possible.

If you’ve ever seen the movie Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with Johnny Depp and Benicio Del Toro... Johnny Depp goes into the vegas casino on acid and the floor and the walls start making patterns and then bleeding. YEAH... YEAH that happened. I’m not talking about the 'oh I think I see some moving patterns dude' kind of hallucination. I’m talking about the 'omg I’ve entered another world and it is like the old one except much more convincing and weird' My carpet (which has no color and not really that awesome) was sweating out reddish liquid and at the same time colorful patterns were emerging and sucking the sweat down into itself.

I was so happy at this point but I was now very relieved that these shrooms were so cool and they felt so soothing. I remember my brother telling me that smoking pot makes being on shrooms MUCH MUCH better. I just happened to have a gram of VERY high grade weed that I had saved from a couple of weeks ago. I mixed this with some other (also good weed but not INSANELY good) weed... just so I would get two different highs at once... or maybe because the shrooms made me consider this a lot LOL. Anyway ... smoking makes shrooms WAY better.

The slight queasiness in my stomach went away and I felt that I should take more shrooms (even though I was according to what I wrote down and remember 'tripping my balls off... OMG!').

I took the other half of the magic mushrooms (at 4:30am)and I decided to go outside at (4:30am) in the pitch dark to wait for the sun to rise. I also remember my brother telling me that going outside was much better than being inside on shrooms... especially when its a nice sunny day.

I opened my bulked... and I was relieved to see that the moon lit the outside a little... and for a minute while my eyes were adjusting to the darkness I thought I saw some really weird stuff flash by my face... and then... THE WORLD CAME ALIVE.

I could see every blade of grass at the same time if I wished... the whole world was blue. Everything blue :). I saw so many hallucinations including mickey mouse dancing, snakes, really big plants, and many many many more things that seemed as lifelike as real life.... only more vibrant and much more convincing. Everything seemed to have a spirit and I was completely at peace with everything.

I stayed outside until 8:30 (by then I realized it was FREEZING out and snot was pouring out of my nose and I was rather weak). As it slowly got brighter outside and I looked at the brick path in my driveway, and the grass, and the giant snakes in the bushes... things got REALLY intense.

Omg, I cannot describe the wonderful things and adventures that happened from 6am-8:30am in words... All I can say in terms of giving you an idea of how incredible it was was that I looked at the grass beneath me. I said to the grass 'please I want a jungle'. The grass grew up to my knees and I reached out and touched it, it then became a jungle when I touched it... and I almost cried with joy... did I mention I was a fish at this point... oh yeah... YEAH I WAS A FISH.

I then felt I should go in and lay down and rest... and I passed out in my bed at around 9-10ish... still tripping as hard as I was at 6am-8:30am. I was still hallucinating slightly and very spaced out even at 11:30-2pm the morning I woke up.

I haven’t tried shrooms since then but I want to, although I think I got a REALLY special batch that time... never in my life did I ever think something that magical and unbelievable could happen. I am amazed. so SO SO amazed. I went to heaven.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 27504
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 18, 2006Views: 5,525
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Mushrooms (39) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), First Times (2)

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