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It's Just Incense...
'White Rock Opium' & Cannabis
Citation:   loccstyle. "It's Just Incense...: An Experience with 'White Rock Opium' & Cannabis (exp25830)". Erowid.org. Oct 22, 2007. erowid.org/exp/25830

  smoked Unknown
    smoked Cannabis
first of all id like to say that the white rock being sold as 'opium' is available at pipe shops, it sells for $2.50 plus tax for 12 grams althogh about 2-4 grams of that arnt sellable without giving away the secret that its not opium..because there is a red incense type material inside it, the majority of the white rock is actually a yellowish tint...which people in turn sell for around $10.00 a gram- it produces some mild effect when smoked with weed at least, ive never tried any other method..the description on the package, said you sprinkle it on burning coals for happyness and such..ive also been told by friends that the same exact product is available at a grocery store, when he brought a estimated 20 grams in saran rap, i was a little confused as the method it was sold, but it was the ecact same product..he also brought a brown rock substance claiming it was also opium, but i didnt even smoke that i burned a piece smelled it, it smelled more like some burning chemicals, then the pine smell the white rock produces...

even after discovering for myself at the pipe shop this product was fake, i smoked some because it makes the bowl last a good 3 times longer, and seems to rush the high in a little quicker. though now i use it less often..

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 25830
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Oct 22, 2007Views: 6,390
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