God of The Clouds
Citation:   FEPO. "God of The Clouds: An Experience with Mushrooms (exp23212)". Erowid.org. Dec 16, 2004. erowid.org/exp/23212

3.5 g oral Mushrooms
    smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes
    smoked Cannabis
About 1 o'clock in the afternoon. I slept in a little bit because our area was having a snow day, so everything was closed and shut down. My friend gave me a call and reminded me about our conversation from the previous night which was about eating some mushrooms. I had nothing to do so naturally I agreed and we began our search. We called almost every person we knew trying to find us some fungus and it was nowhere to be found. It was almost 5:30 by the time we found someone with enough for 6 people. At this point I was very frustrated because I had been searching for mushrooms all day and I was about to start tripping while in a bad mood. 6:30 roles around and the 6 of us have consumed our share, I ate just under an 1/8th at this sitting. I chewed mine up quite efficiently so the effects came to me within 20 minutes. The room started swaying in different ways and I was feeling great. We hung out for another 25 minutes or so then decided to take a trip outside.

[Now remember, we had a snowday because so much extra snow was on the ground, roughly a foot and a half]

The air was chill and nature was calling my name. We walked slowly in between a few ponds and that was one of my favorite parts of the night. The top layer was frozen so we began throwing rocks in to break the ice which was an incredible site to see at our point in time. Eventually we came upon a giant field where some kids had made a giant igloo. The 6 of us huddled in an enormous igloo as we came into our peaks. Smoking ciggarettes is another thing I learned about during this trip. We then ventured to what I like to call 'My World'. The rest of the field was covered in snow, but it had a lot of texture from people running all over it.

[I should also mention that I love the color white when I trip]

The snow and all of its texture looked like a beautiful city in the clouds. It was nighttime and the city still shined bright. With this vision, I also saw myself as God which is something that happens when I trip. I felt this because I found out the greatness of this city, I could squash any of the buildings that I wanted. We all began squashing snow that looked like houses and buildings. It would have been funny to see 6 people walking around a field squashing snow at 8:00 at night. Anyway, we returned back to the room to come down off the trip, and for me stare at a blank white corner. So we were hanging out and one of the people's I was tripping with friend came in wasted and starting messing around with me starting me into a direction I didn't want to go in. It was starting to get late at night and I was ready to be done with my trip. As I began feeling this, my visuals ended, but my mind was still stuck in the other world thinking about reality. I just assumed it was normal so I sat still and kept my mind off it.

Twenty minutes or so go by and my mind is still racing. This got me very paranoid in my head. I thought that my brain was never going to stop thinking like it was and the constant ideas about reality would be stuck with me forever. I smoked some weed to calm me and see if it would help. It brought me back up a little and I had few more visuals and it tempted me to eat some more mushrooms, so 3 of us split a half eighth. That was just what I needed to bring my visuals back and then back down with my mind at the same time.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 23212
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 16, 2004Views: 7,085
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Mushrooms (39) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1)

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