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Just Me, 2C and I
2C-T-7, 1,4-Butanediol & Nitrous Oxide
by Mao
Citation:   Mao. "Just Me, 2C and I: An Experience with 2C-T-7, 1,4-Butanediol & Nitrous Oxide (exp2201)". Jun 27, 2000.

T+ 0:00
30 mg oral 2C-T-7 (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00   inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
  T+ 2:45 1.5 ml oral 1,4-Butanediol (liquid)
  T+ 3:45 2.5 ml oral 1,4-Butanediol (liquid)
Two days previously, I had tried 20 mg 2-c-t-7 along with some 1,4 butanediol, weed and nitrous with only mild results... Having that under my belt, I decided that 30 mg of 2ct7 should not be a problem

9:00 a.m. (T+ 0:00) I wake up, put on the Howard Stern radio show, and gulp down 30 mg of 2CT7 I had dissolved in orange juice the night before...

9:30 (T+ 0:30) I begin to feel a slight pressure in the back of my head, and remember this as being the first symptom I experienced in my last experiment... No other sensations noted

9:55 (T+ 0:55) The pressure in my head has increased to the point of being moderately uncomfortable, and is now accompanied by a mild buzzing sensation in my chest, similar in some ways to 2C-B.... I find myself staring off at the walls, which begin to breathe slightly and the marks on the wall take on a plastic LSD-like look to them...

10:15 (T+ 1:15) I find myself laughing uncontrollably to most of howard's jokes and am having a good time, despite some mild nausea... Staring at my arm and looking off to the wall, the visuals have become much more apparent, and look like a mix between visuals i would get on LSD and 2C-B... The pressure in my head and the general uneasiness seems to be subsiding somewhat, allowing me to concentrate on the materials' psychedelic component instead of the body load...

10:25 - 10:45 (T+ 1:25-1:45) Things have gone from a nice trippy climb, back to focusing on the body load... The nausea has gotten a lot worse and it is impossible to ignore... Reminds me of the nausea I get on DXM, except my stomach doesn't feel so heavy... I figure that 2ct7 for breakfast isn't the best thing I could have done, so I microwave myself some rice, since my appetite has not been affected, and it looks like just the thing to settle my stomach... I have a few bites, and since the nausea is becoming really unsettling, I take 2 tablespoons of pepto bismol in hopes of settling my stomach... I lay on my side for about ten minutes, trying to drown out the nausea with some of Howard's jokes...

10:55 (T+ 1:55) Vomiting is inescapable, so I run to a sink and spend the next five minutes violently vomiting the soul... I wash up, and while washing out my mouth notice small traces of blood which seem to have oriented from my esophagus contracting so hard... A few minutes later, the nausea seems to have subsided, but i wonder if it was worth the effort...

11:00 (T+ 2:00) I decide to try and get the experiment back on track... I take out my cracker and fill up a balloon with nitrous... I slowly take in the sweet air, and suddenly become very content... I lack any concern for my surroundings, and am brought to a land where my thoughts seem to flow easily in all directions, and I am impressed by the colorful fractals which I see... I slowly come back to reality, but everything has shifted a few degrees into the psychedelic zone...

11:05 - 11:15 (T+ 2:05-2:15) My mood has greatly improved, and i seem to have overcome the strong and unpleasant body load which i was previously experiencing... I fire up my bowl and take a few hits of some of some weed... Any trace nausea is finally gone... Sadly Howard, leaves the air, so I put on the Webster Hall CD and fire up a few more whippets... each time being fired off into a realm of fantasy thought and strong Lsd-like visuals and thought...

During this period I feel the 2ct7 really kicking in and prepare for a strong ride...

11:25 (T+2:25) I look at the clock and see that 10 minutes has disappeared since my last whippet... there is now a really strong stoning sensation, accompanied by an energy in my chest which i decide to try to shake off by walking around the house... I get up and notice a lot of disorientation and lack of coordination so i lay back down and re-enter my realm of techno music-trance and become overtaken by the strong open-eye-visuals... and visions that appear when i close my eyes... i feel some spiritual presence, and the general tone is very similar to a strong LSD-trip... i feel my ego slowly drifting away, and prepare for a rough ride...

11:45 (T+ 2:45) After a few more whippets, and a strong unpleasant neutral tone, i decide 1.5 ml of 1,4 should lift my spirits, so i stagger into the kitchen and 1.5 ml of 1,4 goes down the hatch... I should note that there is not a lose of balance, but a disconnection from my body into the mind, which makes concentrating on my movements difficult... i walk back into my room, turn up the music and lay-down and re-enter my trance in which thoughts along with colors and sounds intertwine and take me to a place far-removed from reality... I realize that i am still coming up, so i have a few more whippets and settle comfortably into a realm of fantasy and a gradual move into a totally foreign land of sense and thought...

12:10 (T+ 3:10) My thoughts have become really jumbled and i now truly appreciate the experience known as synasthesia... the trip has left it's LSD-like stage and has entered it's own fantastic plane of sight and sound... I see the music join waves of color and the two sense appear to be joined into a single linear plane in which the two senses appear to be the same...

12:25 - 1:00 (T+ 3:25-4:00) Time seems to be moving unbelievably slowly, and i feel the 1,4 kicking in from before, and like the mood lift so i take another 2 ml... I have just about finished the whippets... and my body now seems to be joined with the rest of my house, and seems rather 1 dimensional and more like a container of energy than any sort of tangible object... amazingly I have a burst of energy and start dancing my way up to the shower, stop at the computer, spend 10 minutes fumbling around with my e-mail and head back up to the shower, immersed in a world of flowing colors, sounds and thought... I jump in the shower, take a couple of hits and continue bathing... My memory becomes impaired by now, and i find concentrating on the experience difficult... I find myself in a world defined by thought, fantastic color/sound and an indescribable energy which i seem to be able to tap into at anytime... I simply concentrate and move my body to the rhythmic energy which seems to make up and define the entire universe... I get out of the shower, and due to my inability to judge time properly i have between 2-3 ml of 1,4 butanediol again.... I try and play a CD in the living room player but am to confused and disoriented to work the CD player...

1:00-2:20 (T+ 4:00-5:20) I lay downstairs on the couch, just trying to control this serious mindfuck, but find my mind drifting off into nothingness... I hear the phone ringing but am too fucked up to even recognize it as a phone... I pass out and wake up to my brother who has come home and is wondering what the hell i am doing on the couch passed out with all the windows open in the middle of a cold snap... Luckily i left my bowl in my bedroom and spend the next 10 minutes readjusting to my surroundings, with the trip completely gone... I get occassional visual disturbances in my peripheral vision, but am otherwise at a plus 1 at the most... i am very surprised since in pihkal shulgin describes the duration from 8-15 hours...

I spent the rest of the day loafing around.. more than usual and easily fall asleep that night... I think i did way too much as it was easily one of the strongest trips i have ever had... there was a strong body load to overcome.. and the trip wasn't exactly happy, but more just a reality shift... I'm not sure how soon i'll repeat the experiment, and if i do i might introduce some MDMA and i will definitely drop the dose to 23-25 mg... all in all a learning experience

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 2201
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 27, 2000Views: 32,830
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Nitrous Oxide (40), 1,4-Butanediol (51), 2C-T-7 (54) : Unknown Context (20), Combinations (3)

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