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Hyper And Happy Inside
Citation:   sammy. "Hyper And Happy Inside: An Experience with AMT (exp15161)". Jun 30, 2002.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 3:30 30 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
This was my very first time in taking a psychedelic intentionally. I've been pretty much a regular pot user for aboout 2 years and grew tired of the same old thing. So my friend F. got some AMT and had tried some and said that it was definately something I should try, so I thought why not?

4:15 PM- AMT ingested orally. About 50 mg mixed in with a pop.

5:45- I am beginning to feel kinda weird as I can feel something going on in my body, I'm just not sure quite what yet.

6:36- I can definately feel it working now, I have a nice body high going but no visuals yet. My friends J. B. & F. come over as we try and figure out where we are gonna go tonight. They are hungry so we decide to go to subway and pick up some food. And no I'm not driving as the body high is kicking in even more and just going for a car ride is a lot better than driving.

7:28- I enter subway feeling all goofy inside. I just know my pupils are starting to dialate because it feels like you've just smoked a lot. I am sitting at the table waiting for my friends to get food and this kid comes in wearing this jacket with blue stripes on it. As I sit and start to watch the jacket, I notice that the stripes are starting to pulse and change from neon to blue. A big grin comes on my friend's face as he knows the AMT is working.

7:40- I take a booster pill of about 30 mg and mix it in my drink. I notice that the outlines of objects are starting to have the neon glow also.

9:22- I arrive at this girl's house after a car ride with my friend B. He's got 2 black lights in his car that flash to the music with the bass. Now these are very good things to have when you're tripping regardless of the drug as they provide emense entertainment to the brain. As I get ready to play my friend in darts, I look at the ground and notice that it is odd. I can't exactly remember why but something must have gotten to me. Anywho I play my friend in darts and to my shegrin, I beat him. I thought that AMT would affectly my motor skills horribly but they seem to be a performance enhancer to me for some odd reason.

10:34- Listening to music is sweet right now. I definately appreciate it more, Bob Marley is the man of choice ;) As I sit and try to write in my journal I notice that my handwriting is starting to get a lot worse as the night has progressed.

12:36 AM- After getting through with a car ride with B. and his lights again, I notice the visuals starting to change again into a blob form. Objects seem to trail right into each other.

5:14 AM- I am still up at the girl's house with 2 of my friends as my body seriously feels like it could jump out of my skin. I feel all hyper and happy inside and I love that feeling. It feels like everything is good in the world. Anywho everyone is getting tired as I am the only one tripping tonight and have had enough of my energized antics for one night. So I decide to sleep.

8:40 AM- Wake up call at the house and I feel shitty. 1.5 hours of sleep with not eating any food in like 16 hours starts to play with yout body. I get dropped off at my house and eat some food even though im still not very hungry but know i should eat. I sleep off and on for the next 8 hours.

My experience was pretty much everything I had hoped for. My environment was perfect and I had a great time. AMT helped open up a new way of looking at things for me as you notice different aspects of life after you've done it.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 15161
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jun 30, 2002Views: 4,351
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AMT (7) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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