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24-Hour Journey
Citation:   ptocheia. "24-Hour Journey: An Experience with AMT (exp14488)". Sep 27, 2002.

T+ 0:00
60 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 30 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 1:15 60 mg oral AMT (powder / crystals)
[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]

[Erowid Warning: The following report documents the ingestion of an unusually high and potentially dangerous dose of AMT. It is possible that the actual dose was smaller than reported or that the material was impure. We have chosen to include this report to help document the dose range, but its inclusion does not imply that this dose is safe.]

So I took AMT this past saturday night, my first experience with it. it was an interesting experience, to say the least. it's strange, how the legality of drugs works, or the dangers that they are given in people's minds. Such as, alcohol leaves me with a big hangover a lot of the time, I often take it to forget my problems, and it can mess up my body. But then everything has the potential to mess up one’s body. But I take AMT and similar things not to forget, but to remember and to know.

How the evening went: We ate vietnamese food around 6, came back to the apt, Kevin and I took 2 pills each. Sat around, talked to people. Didn't seem to be having much of an effect at all after 30 min or so, so Kevin and I each took 1 more pill (each pill being 30 mg). A half hour later, I find out he took 2 more, then he gave me 2 more later. Prolly not a good idea to take that many, but seemed like it'd be fine at the time, and he was nice enough to offer, so I was nice enough to take. Things were getting spacey at that point, and a bit cloudy, and I was drawing, and very focused on what I was drawing, I haven't been able to focus like that in a long while, and I knew then exact places to put certain marks of my pencil.

Shortly after that, the first wave of it hit Kevin, and he went up pretty high. I still wasn't feeling too much though. He gets out light toys, I go find a pair of spare glowsticks as he was needing more decent sources of light. He put on light shows for me, and during this time it gradually sunk into me (it didn't hit me in any sort of strong wave, though). We went outside on my roof, I looked at the grey clouds against the black sky and the clouds muddled into rippling water, and the phone wires seemed to be undulating and vibrating. He had his laptop with, I looked at his backgrounds (fractal imagery) and particles seemed to be moving in and out of each other, everything appeared to be in layers, the intensity of colors kept changing. The music we were listening to seemed to meld with everything else, and needed to be there, I felt odd when the music was off. The same Digweed album just went on repeat all night.

Early morning, when Kevin wanted to kill it to go to sleep, it didn't stop for me, I could still hear the music in my head. Due to my state at the time, I decided Digweed had made a vortex into my brain, and was living there now, spinning, and will stay there. Part of me thinks in a way this is valid, since all of yesterday everything I heard turned into music, into some sort of beat (a lot of breakbeats at Busch Gardens), and even right now, if I focus, I hear a beat. The entire night was spent with some fabulous visuals. I could see layers in everything depth in everything, I could see my thoughts, I could melt into the wall. Lights were utterly fascinating. Everything left trails. At my higher points, I could make and visualize entire planets, and then be able to feel the planets. I could taste and feel my thoughts. And oh what thoughts I had. My brain never stopped, it kept making connections and creating metaphors for everything and building ideas and did so much. I spent a lot of time on a fabulous metaphysical plane.

A lot of the thoughts I thought, I realize now, are thoughts that I've had bits of before, like from a 3-d project I did from last year and my strand (2 year research paper). A lot of things about cycles, about fractals, about big things being made up of small things, and those small things being the same as the big things. I saw people as paths, knowledge as tendrils wrapping together to form people, tendrils branching off from each person when they connect with another, and each tendril weaving together with the tendrils of another, until all people are connected and form a mass, to where we lose ourselves and become a part of a greater whole. I saw everything as a great white light, and all of us as bits of light as well. I pulled out some matrix thoughts too (funny, that the first time I saw that movie I felt like I had just taken an acid trip, or that it was completely trip-inspired).

I saw streaming data, streaming binary. I could touch the bits of binary, I saw all of us as binary, all of us as layers and layers of knowledge, and each layer was made up of more layers, of more threads. The streams I saw were beautiful. It was great how the artist part of me kicked in and the coding part of me kicked in at points. I started discussing reality in terms of code. I discovered infinity++. The repetition of cycles, of events, but with each repetition something more is added, so it's constantly growing. Growth seemed to be another of my themes. Code was good for theoretical purposes, but not pragmatic, I was trying to talk out if-then and while statements for reality but didn't succeed too well for that. However, I did see reality as built of many many methods, and each methods containing more methods, etc etc. 'the fabric of reality' was also a frequent theme in my talk, especially since I talked of many things a being threads weaving together. I experienced space, I flew about in the sky and among the planets (and, as said before, made my own, Jay told me to call it 'bob' so I did). I sat underwater, I had many many comforting images.

I spent a lot of time staring into Kevins eyes too, found them big and utterly fascinating, kept falling into him. I was mindreading at points, I knew what Jay and Kevin were going to say before they said it, and I could see the visuals of their thoughts. Kevin couldn't talk, so I talked for him, we were thinking the same things anyway, he told me so. I created the words for him to make the visuals from. I felt utterly connected with him, felt like we were the same person at points. When he wasn't in the room, I felt like I was still in his mind and was still with him, but also felt like there was a peice of my individual self gone and a piece of his gone as well, like we weren't full people without each other. His eyes would meld into big glitterly vortexes that I'd fall into. He'd point out an image, like the vortex on the ceiling, and I'd look up and see the same thing. I could see auras of people, I could see the good and the bad in them. I still feel bad that I didn't feel comfortable with Travis around cause I could see the negativity he was holding, and it was standing around him in an orange inpenetrable shield, so I closed up around him. It was so fascinating, the way that I could see people. During the peak of my high, I was creating some really strong intense imagery, I was traveling through spaces, I created moving clear vortex walls like were in donnie darko and the matrix, I touched them, I stepped through them, I seriously felt like I was soaring.

I also talked pretty much non-stop the entire time. Kevin told me he wanted to use me in his music, when I talked everything was so clear, all the right words came to me at the right times, every thought connected fluidly to the next. I'd like to record more then next time this is partaken (I would like to try it again, albeit prolly not anytime soon, I woulndt want to make a huge habit of it, I'm not feeling the hardcore desire to go back to it like I did with LSD and E though, which is very good, I'm glad for the experience, but it's over now, and I'm fine with that.) I also saw roles, I saw Jay as a guardian and a comforter, which he completely agreed was true. I saw Kevin as the smile and the brilliance (prolly from staring at his face so much), possibly other things but I don't remember). I was the Navigator. I saw this very clearly as my role. I saw this as my role back 3 years ago when I took the LSD as well. I felt that by giving my words and my knowledge to them I was guiding them and leading them, and it was my job to find the way. Funny, I'd never thought of myself as much of a leader in real-time. But, leaders and navigators are still slightly different roles. A navigator is more on their own individual path, it's up to the others to follow if they choose.

Sensationwise, there were definetely effects similar to E. I focus on these less here because I think the mind-trip I took was the most significant part of my experience and the tactile things lesser. Fur felt so soft, water felt delicious, pretty much anything I licked was fantastic. Smelling my candle was beautiful. So the night started to become day, everyone else went to sleep, I was still hitting it hardcore though. Kevin told me to sleep, I just lied there and had visuals and twitched a lot to the beat. The visuals got more negative, but I was still seeing them in a positive light. Like I saw demons, dragons, hell, both Jay and I become the Antichrist at points, there was a lot of blood, a lot of molten lava, I was running my hands through the blood, at some point I killed people as well. But, I seemed ot take all the images with a good attitude. Like I was very accepting that these things existed, maybe it was some sort of yin-yang type of thing. I also told myself that if they got bad, it was in my power to change them, that the power to change things is always mine, and I'm the only one that can change them for myself. but I found where my mind was going to be pretty fascinating, the darker imagery was very very interesting, so I went with it. In time, it left though, as I started to very gradually come down.

Throughout the night the beats and rhythm and music were very prevalent, but for must of my high I was incapable (for the most part at least) of little more then being sprawled on my bed. as I came down I could appreciate the beats. I became such a good liquid dancer, I understood how to flow myself, one hand followed another, I felt like my entire body was completely insync with whatever music was going, it was great. So, morning came, Kevin was coming down fast, I had stopped the intensely strong visions, but still was in another plane. The moderate effects of the drug seemed to be taking precedence at that point, that giving me (for pretty much that entire day at least) the feeling and appearance of a complete kandy kid. We went to busch gardens for the day, everyone had to help me get my shoes on cause I was too out of it. to do it myself. I took a stuffed fish with me to hug in the car (haha such a kandy kid, the texture of it was an amazing thing), and kept wanting to hug everyone. Actually, the physical contact thing was prevalent thoughout the trip, it just seemed more apparent when I dropped to a lower level. Told a friend a lot of the ideas I had, shared some of the ideas I was still having, fed on her ideas. Talked about 'I think, therefore I am' type stuff, being philosophical felt good.

Arrived at park, kept randomly dancing to things throughout park trip, luckily Anne was there as a sane person to dance with me so I didn't feel too wacky. The stores were really interesting, lots of shiny things and textured things and soft things that felt great tactilewise. Roller coasters were out of this world, funny that they actually felt sexual. The lemonade slushie I had and the soda I tasted were also rather incredible. Didn't really eat anything yesterday, except for a few chips, I just wasn't hungry.

As I came down, my philosophical visions kept getting daffier, like how the universe revolved around Ba Kkwo. DDr was fun, I had a realization that I was meant to do freestyle. So Now I just need to figure out how. I felt like I was doing a lot better at the park, still not too good though. I spent most of the park time on a different plane, Jay and Kevin seemed pretty worried about me. The average time for the drug to last is usually about 12-18 hours. I took it at about 6:30 pm on Saturday. When we left the park at 7 pm on Sunday I was still out there. So, it lasted a reeaally long time. Course I also took a lot. An average dose is 30 mg I think. A heavy dose is 60-90. I took 150. So, I suppose they had good reason to think that my brain was permanently warped. Next time I shall not take so much I think. I kept thinking I left my brain on the metaphysical plane, and that I couldn't get it back until my next trip. Said goodbye to kev, became comatose in annes car. I didn't sleep at all the night before, my jaw was aching for talking constantly, and I had a huge headache. I came down a lot on the ride back, just collapsed in the seat. Got home, collapsed in bed, slept 11 hours.

I still feel slightly spacey, but that might also be related to a weird sleep schedule and the fact that all I've eaten since dinner on saturday is half a bag of chips (still don't feel nearly as hungry as I should though). I still have the remnants of the mess made from that night to clean up, fun indeed. Kevin said I'd feel euphoric for the next few days afterwards, I don't really feel euphoric though. I feel kinda calm, I feel contemplative. I hope I take some of the knowledge I found with me. Maybe it's because my trip was primarily a metaphysical one, and not so much of a sensation one (although the latter was still strongly existent).

Exp Year: 2002ExpID: 14488
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 27, 2002Views: 15,445
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AMT (7) : Small Group (2-9) (17), First Times (2)

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