2C-T-7 Destroyed Me
Citation:   Bigjohn420. "2C-T-7 Destroyed Me: An Experience with 2C-T-7 (exp13971)". Erowid.org. Apr 15, 2002. erowid.org/exp/13971

10 mg oral 2C-T-7 (pill / tablet)
First of all I just want anyone thinking of trying this to know that I think it really messes with your mind. A trip can easily go from good to bad. I was on vacation in Amsterdam, NL when a vendor at a smart drug store suggested I try it. She claimed it was like MDMA. This was so far from the truth.

Not knowing any better at the time I decided to purchase 2 5mg pills for 35 guilders (about 17 american). I hadn't eaten lunch yet so I figured since my stomach was empty I'd dose right away. At first I thought I got some kind of rip off because I felt nothing. I was still feeling excited though at the prospect of an mdma type of experience. I went to the coffeeshop down the street and bought their best weed and hash. Then I proceeded back to my hotel. At this point it had been about an hour since ingestion and I had almost given up on getting nice.

Then without warning the effects came on with an energetic pleasentness. I felt excited like when I come up on acid. Everything was great. Just then my friend J got back to the hotel and asked what was going on. I tried to tell him about the lady at the store but kept getting distracted by geometric patternizations all over J's face. Lights began to flicker in the corners of my eyes.

Unfortunately the good up-feeling part of my trip only lasted for about 30-40 mins. At that point I felt as though this drug brought me all the way up and then just left me there confused. Everything that was bright and pleasent turned dark and sinister. I became paranoid and could find no joy in anything. I began to get extremely depressed. More depressed than I've ever been in my life. I thought to myself,'maybe I need a mental hospital because I'm losing my mind.' I began frantically calling the airline trying to get on the next plane home. I called my parents crying. I was a mess. I just kept wishing to myself that I never took those damn pills. The visuals stayed with me all night but were gone when I awoke. The feelings of despair and desparation however lasted 3 days. Half my vacation. It ruined my whole time in Amsterdam. This was the worst psychadelic experience of my life. I suggest if you must try to start out with only 5mg if you can.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 13971
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Apr 15, 2002Views: 20,686
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2C-T-7 (54) : Various (28), Difficult Experiences (5), First Times (2)

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